I thought the movie was good overall, especially for being another common romantic comedy, but I kind of wish they wouldn't have gotten together in the end. I knew they were going to, but I still didn't want them to. She blew him off so many times in the movie and I felt that she was out of chances. What did she expect, for him to just wait off to the side until she was ready to have another potential relationship again? Give me a break.
Although I agree with you on her chances thing; this movie is quite mellow the whole way through that to make it fit properly into the romcom category, they couldn't have ended it mellow too. It just would have left you feeling down instead of charmed and content. Because you don't feel happy or dreamt afterwards.
She blew him off, yes. That was a plot point: how could this bookseller from Notting Hill be the man for the rich and beautiful Anna Scott. Her character growth was complicated.
In the end, they both knew what they wanted: a simple life together.
But he also blew her off. "I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her."
And he turned her down.
So each one had to come to the realization that they would do whatever it took to be together. She, the biggest female movie star on the planet, had to humble herself and apologize and ask him to give her another chance. Then he, the simple bookseller from Notting Hill, had to do the same, only in front of a huge roomful of press i.e. the whole world!
Both characters were imperfect people coming together in an improbable relationship, and ultimately making it work by counterbalancing her crazy mad world with the peace and simplicity of his.
But he also blew her off. "I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her."
And he turned her down.
So each one had to come to the realization that they would do whatever it took to be together. She, the biggest female movie star on the planet, had to humble herself and apologize and ask him to give her another chance. Then he, the simple bookseller from Notting Hill, had to do the same, only in front of a huge roomful of press i.e. the whole world!
Both characters were imperfect people coming together in an improbable relationship, and ultimately making it work by counterbalancing her crazy mad world with the peace and simplicity of his.
I agree with all of this. The OP makes it sound like will was a spineless character. he finally had enough in the bookshop and makes a whole speech about it.
"The thing is, with you I'm in real danger. It seems like a perfect situation, apart from that foul temper of yours, but my relatively inexperienced heart would I fear not recover if I was, once again, cast aside as I would absolutely expect to be. There's just too many pictures of you, too many films. You know, you'd go and I'd be... uh, well buggered basically'.
she realized she screwed up and apologized. he realized he screwed up and apologized. i don't see the problem.
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I think you missed the point - her life had become Hell as J Doe [via the Paparazzi] had branded her a slut BUT the only thing J Doe REALLY wants is a happy [married] ending.
she was announcing a year off from filming to try to get over the "cloud" but there asking her the final question was her ONLY salvation
it goes back to the SEAT with the inscription of love forever about the couple BEHIND the forbidden fence
Hugh does not dare to jump fence from his side of the rails in Notting Hill but she says why not
he does, and after a few bumps he is able to use a small part of her millions to LIVE on that side of fence
and SHE likewise has found a REASON for all the $hit she took to GET the millions
they are deliriously HAPPY and like Kubrick she is done with lousy america for good
but you say "There is [sic] bound to have [sic] problems like any other relationships, especially like there's [sic]".
I think we have some idea of what you are trying to say [but can't speak English] but IMHO the final scene with kids already and another coming along and her head on him as he calmly reads a book is a sign to say they have FOUND the perfect way to live.
England can be cruel if you are poor but if you are rich it is the perfect place in ITSELF, as well as being close to Europe, to live.