OMG - I've seen this great movie a dozen times. But tonight I watched it on a movie channel, uncut. It's almost a different movie, with the missing 40+ minutes I've never seen. The credit intro is a bit long, it takes 30 minutes before Adam leaves the shelter. Some scenes are later referenced in the film. Sissy's big line, outside, at the new house - 'no - THIS is different', shadows her line near the beginning, when Christopher tells her the shelter is just like their old home.
There is a lot explained in the missing intro. Once Adam makes it out, most of the tv version is the same.
So glad I finally got to see the whole movie. I used to avoid watching the butchered TV versions of movies, but sometimes I don't. And eventually, you forget what the original was like. Even if it's just the language that gets cut, the original words add so much!
For whatever reason, I really enjoy this movie! Sissy and Chris are wonderful as ever, but Alicia, Brenden and Dave Foley are perfect! And Nathan Fillion adds to the movie. But Alicia and Dave really stand out.
It would make a good double feature with Matinee, with John Goodman.