Slow driving mother vs. inebriated/incontinent neighbor... (05MAY)
Synopsis: Man had to go the bathroom and the car in front of him was driving too slowly. The man passed the slow driver and then he and the other driver and her husband got into an altercation at the top of the stairs. Judge Milian found for the plaintiff and the male driver had to pay damages. (Very short synopsis)
I think JM got this one wrong. The mother said the man was outside his door going in when she and her family got to the top of the steps. The man said he went into his apartment, relieved himself and then heard the family badmouthing him so he went outside.
If the guy had to go to the bathroom urgently, and sped to get to his apartment then there's no way he would still be outside waiting to go in when the woman and her family reached their common landing. He would've gotten to his bathroom to evacuate his bowels. Had he waited, and fought with the woman and her husband, they'd all be covered in crap.
Also, the mother going on and on about her child not eating for two days, and they're in therapy, and her child wouldn't sleep alone or leave the apartment was, to me, WAY over the top and came across as fake.