MovieChat Forums > The People's Court (1997) Discussion > Judge Milian the try-hard Judge Judy.

Judge Milian the try-hard Judge Judy.

I feel that Judge Milian tries to act like Judge Judy, by yelling at the people in the case. Except, when she does it, it is laughable.

When Judge Judy yells, it has more impact, because she is scary, unattractive, and you really believe that she would rip your head off with her bare hands if she wanted to (despite her small stature).

When Judge Milian yells, it is like she is yelling at one of her kids. She can't be taken seriously. Hasn't she posed for magazines? There is nothing scary about her. In fact, my thought is "You're hot when you're angry".

Milian should just do her own thing, and stop wanting to be Judge Judy. She can't pull it off.


I'd say it's done for ratings. No drama, no ratings.

What would "Judge Judy" be if you couldn't hate her for her bombastic nastiness?

These shows would be pretty boring if everyone kept to decorum and acted polite. Who would watch?


I don't know about JM trying to be JJ. I think JM is a very fiery, emotional woman and what we see on the show is what she is.

I've seen her on two interview shows (Anderson Cooper being one of them) and she has been the same.


JMis awesome!


JM has been on the air and yelling at people for a very long time now. I don't think she's trying to be like anybody, it's just who she is.


Also, when Judge Milian yells it's for a reason. When Judge Judy yells it's because it's a day with the letter "y" in it.


Also, when Judge Milian yells it's for a reason. When Judge Judy yells it's because it's a day with the letter "y" in it.

☺ I agree. Judge Milian is Judge Milian; I never get the sense she's trying to impersonate JJ. Why would she even want to do that?


Because "Judge Judy" is a higher rating show, that's why.


Because "Judge Judy" is a higher rating show, that's why.

I don't believe that because a show has higher ratings it's a better show. It simply means more people watch it.

My guess is there are more people in the world that want to see JJ go off than there are for JM's "style" of justice. That does not inherently make one show better than the other, IMO.


I agree. When JM yells I get why she's doing it. Judge Judy is just doing it for the heck of it. JM seems a lot more compassionate then Judge Judy is and doesn't just cut people off for no real reason or dish out insults.

"Boys only want love if it's torture"



Every day has the letter 'y' in it, so she yells every day.

It means, as opposed to MM who only yells when she's passionate about something, JJ doesn't need a special reason to yell, she just does, a lot.



Thank you for explaining my post! I thought I was being both clever and clear! :D



I don't think I've ever read a more realistic description of Judge Judy!


I wished she yelled more at the woman who let her elderly parent drive cross country, just to die in a fiery accident.


^That was HORRIBLE! I couldn't believe what I was seeing/hearing.

She should have driven her parents herself or hired someone competent to do so. There is no way I would have allowed my elderly parents to drive cross country by themselves in the daytime, no less the middle of the night.

That was really hard to watch.


Sorry but Judge Milian is nothing like Judge Judy. She rarely yells at people. Judge Judy belittles almost everyone in front of her all the time. Judge Milian rarely does this. The only times she talks down to people is when they repeatedly exhibit inappropriate behavior.

Not sure what show you've been watching, but it's not The People's Court.

Judge Milian doesn't have to be Judge Judy because Judge Judy is a second rate personality compared to Judge Milian.


There's a difference though between her and JJ. She does it after she shows infinite patience in trying to get anything out of the party. JJ yells just for the sake of it.

I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.


I totally disagree. I can't bear watching Judge Judy. She doesn't even listen to people, and she screams over them when they're trying to give their argument. I have seen her make a ruling based solely on the plaintiff's testimony without ever allowing the defendant to speak. I'm not sure that's even legal. Judge Millian is fair, smart, passionate, and she cares. I watch her every day.


They both get all the details of each case well in advance, and usually have already made their decision before the trial begins. The difference is MM prejudges the case, while JJ prejudges the litigants. A 20-year old single mom with 2 kids by two different men, in front of Judy, starts out with two strikes against her and has already pretty much lost her case.


They both get all the details of each case well in advance, and usually have already made their decision before the trial begins. The difference is MM prejudges the case, while JJ prejudges the litigants.

This is one thing that absolutely bothers me about Judge Judy. At times, she is rather loathsome on how she judges people.

I was just rewatching the case when she was dealing with a 36 years old woman who had a "thing" with a pompous a$$hole, who was 25 years old. But her attitude towards the woman was ridiculous and it is none of her business why an older woman would hook up with a guy 10 years her junior. Deal with it and just judge the case on the evidence.

She does this a lot. I also get annoyed when she grills a plaintiff "where did you get $2000 to loan this person if you don't work?" ...

"It was an inheritance b1tch, I have the proof, STFU and just litigate based on the evidence.. Geesh"

I get it. I know that sometimes the Plaintiff's are scum who scam the system but other times, it is a legit loan, and just because they work a low paying job, or are on welfare, doesn't mean they didn't have $2000 saved somewhere for the future whether through years of saving, an inheritance, an insurance claim, etc.

She makes good TV but she is unbearable. I prefer Milian a million times better.


"It was an inheritance b1tch, I have the proof, STFU and just litigate based on the evidence.. Geesh"

Awesome; you're so right! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


I wouldn't say MM makes her decision before the case. Sure, knowing the basic facts as each litigant lays them out can have her leaning more one way than another, but unless it's a very clear-cut case, I don't think she makes up her mind ahead of time.

There are times (like in one of the cases today) where she'll call a third party who has relevance to the case. Usually they're someone like a mechanic or a some expert who she can get detailed information from.

Also, when she reads their statements, she's just reading their version of the events. When they're actually talking to her, she has a better read on whether or not it's truthful.

When it comes down to it, whatever she does, it's in the interest of finding out the truth and following the law. So even if she does make up her mind before the case starts, she will still accept evidence that may change her mind if she determines her original conclusion wasn't the entire truth. JJ, on the other hand, makes up her mind ahead of time and only allows the evidence that will fit her narrative of what she has already decided.


In yesterday's show, she absolutely made her decision before a case began. The woman who sued a neighbor for dumping garbage on her property won her case, but her receipt for the cleanup also included charges for fixing a fence. The judge deducted the parts of her claim that did not relate to the cleanup, and came up with the correct amount, to the penny. It took 5 seconds. Given how reliant she usually is on her calculator, there's no way she did the math in her head that quickly. She knew the ruling and correct dollar amount of the award before the cameras even started rolling.

So maybe she rules in advance, and as long as everything goes as she expects that's the final ruling, but there's wiggle room. If, say, she catches a litigant in a lie, the final ruling may be something completely different.


Given how reliant she usually is on her calculator, there's no way she did the math in her head that quickly. She knew the ruling and correct dollar amount of the award before the cameras even started rolling.

There might be something to what you say.

I've often wondered how she does those calculations so fast -- in front of an audience -- in front of the cameras. I wouldn't be able to think straight.

I'm not under that pressure, and I can screw up with a calculator. I like to go over my numbers 2 or 3 times.

She does it once and bangs the gavel. 


I've often wondered how she does those calculations so fast -- in front of an audience -- in front of the cameras. I wouldn't be able to think straight.

I'm not under that pressure, and I can screw up with a calculator. I like to go over my numbers 2 or 3 times.

She does it once and bangs the gavel.
That's called editing.

Kojak, bang bang!
