I agree too-- not so much why the litigants bother to sue, because it's obvious that even if they have a general idea of the concept of "as is" they've convinced themselves that they have a "case".
It amazes me the number of people who are UNAWARE of the "as is" law, because they look
totally shocked when JM explains WHY they have no case.
Granted, not everyone watches "The People's Court" (where we learn these things), but that raises another question, "Why go on a show you're unfamiliar with?"
As to why the producers pick these cases, I think JM likes to
educate, because she usually goes to great lengths to explain the legal principles of her decisions.
So, maybe they pick these cases to get the "as is" law out there in the public's consciousness. I dunno..... Just a hunch.
I'm sure these judge/arbitrators have some input into the
types of cases they hear.