MovieChat Forums > The People's Court (1997) Discussion > Jerry Sheindlin was the best

Jerry Sheindlin was the best

He was the most fair judge on the tv show. I like the current judge, but Jerry was the best. I heard the ratings dropped when he was the judge but I am not sure that was entirely his fault.


The problem was that Judge Jerry "Mr. Judy" Sheindlin was too straightforward and matter-of-fact. He would've lasted longer had he gotten the job before the Judge Judy era.

When "The People's Court" began, it really was seen as a way to both entertain and educate people about small-claims court. Judge Wapner had his excitable moments, but he generally played it straight. He kept a low-key, serious "judicial demeanor", and spent a lot of the time discussing general legal concepts like "bailment for hire".

But Judge Judy pioneered the TV Judge 2.0 approach-- a big step down and backwards, IMO. Now, instead of focusing on the legal issues, the TV judge became a "tough love" advocate and drama queen. Sometimes Judge Milian will say, "I'm not Dr. Phil", but that's only when she doesn't feel like playing psychologist, social worker, or tough-love nanny. A lot of the time, she is "Dr. Phil".

Milian can stick to the legal issues if she feels like it, but TV court shows now showcase the same low-life drama that fills the rest of daytime TV. Notice how she always probes the litigants to get out all the gossipy details of their chaotic personal lives, or lecture them about their lifestyle and/or behavior that have little or nothing to do with the legal case.

Judges like Wapner and Jerry Sheindlin are too dull nowadays; now TV judges have to freak out, lecture, carry on, channel their inner Jerry Springer, and scold, schmooze, and second-guess the litigants. "Fair" takes a back seat.

Blame it on Judge Judy!


^^^ I never saw Jerry Sheindlin, but excellent and very accurate takes on Judy and Milian. 


I agree little brother. With that said I do enjoy JM though.


Great post LIttle Brother.

People's Court to me has always been the most realistic. I even have made my newphews/neices watch it to teach them about our court system. They really find it interesting especially when I tell them it's real. It's very educational.

But these other judge shows are trash. I hate Judge Judy. Like you said, just be a judge, not a holier than thou egomaniac. The other lower rung of shows are like Divorce Court or other names where they have low life topics and the auidence even oooo's and aaahhh's throughout the show. I mean it is trash. Judy and these other shows are just trash. But like you said I guess they get ratings.

I think Milan is ok but I agree she gets too emotional sometimes in her judgements. The only thing saving Milan is that it's still the People's Court and there is some type of unofficial respect to the show. If she had her own show I think it would be terrible.

I can't believe Jerry divorced Judge Judy twice only to get back w/ her. I think he's in his 80s now so he's pretty much retired. But I still find many of his shows memorable. There was a great one where he there was an older guy w/ was with some 18 year old girl vs her parents. I can't find it anywhere on youtube etc.. It was one of his finest moments.


I think Milan is ok but I agree she gets too emotional sometimes in her judgements. The only thing saving Milan is that it's still the People's Court and there is some type of unofficial respect to the show.

In my opinion, Milian's big plus is that she tries to educate and will explain her ruling -- even when she has to rule against someone who obviously got screwed. She will even apologize and say her hands are tied by the law. I find I respect her for that, and I've learned a lot.

Her sometimes emotionalism may be to make "good television," but I think she's sincere when she seems bothered by litigants' family issues. (Although she should stop playing Dr. Phil.)

Judy and her ilk are just there to put on a show.
