Crazy guy (1/25)

That guy in the first case today was insane. He's sued the Defendant multiple times, repeatedly took out restraining orders then didn't show up to the hearings, he has stalked her, stalked her friends, and sent her all kinds of threats how he's going to do whatever it takes to ruin her professional career... and his excuse is that she's crazy.

And the whole time he was oblivious to how insane he appeared, no matter how many times JM pointed it out to him.


I know it! The guy was paranoid by saying she "screwed" him, couldn't make payments on time for his fancy BMW and wants her to take a lie detector test.

Anyone looking for a colorist in their area had better stay clear of him.


FWIW, I tried to keep an open mind at first because I had my doubts about the defendant too.

After all, sometimes during the testimony the person who seems so crazy/wrong at first turns out to be in the right-- and the seemingly together person turns out to be in the wrong.

But it didn't take very long to establish that the plaintiff is indeed as crazy as a June bug.


Yeah, for all we know the Defendant is crazy to some extent. But if she is, she sure doesn't document it as well as the Plaintiff.

The real amazing thing is how unaware he is of his craziness.


If I were MM, I would watch my back! There were a few times when it looked like he wanted to murder her! 


I'd love to find out how the subsequent court case regarding the car turned out!


Me too! I googled their names but found nothing. If anyone has info about it please post!
