Curt, Heal Thyself!
I've always considered the aptly-named Curt Chaplin to be the most annoying and obnoxious "hallway guy" ever.
I've only seen him on duty in the PC hallway, so I don't know if he's really like that all the time, or just enthusiastically playing his assigned role.
In his case, the assigned role is rarely limited to politely soliciting the litigants' reactions. After he physically "puts them in their place"-- and it's pathetic that the producers haven't figured out a better way to get the litigants facing the right way during their exit interview-- he goes on to do the same thing psychologically.
Mostly this involves quizzing them about whether they learned their lesson(s), and/or dismissing them with rude, snide, and snarky contempt if they too strongly disagree with the decision. He's hell on "sore losers", and strictly enforces the doctrine that Judge Milian can do no wrong-- especially if they dare to point out how she got it wrong. (And especially if they're right; it happens.)
Anyway, yesterday Curt had a brief encounter with a winning litigant that set a new record for Curt's hypocrisy. During the testimony, JM had sharply chastised the plaintiff for going to the nasty defendant's workplace and deliberately "pushing his buttons" and provoking him-- aggressively refusing to leave when the angry defendant repeatedly told him to, conspicuously recording the defendant with his smartphone, etc.
Naturally, in the hallway Curt picked up where the judge left off. "Weren't you just baiting the defendant, and trying to provoke him?" Curt demanded to know. The plaintiff actually smirked a bit and admitted that maybe this was so-- upon which Curt pretended to be amazed that the guy had the gall to actually smirk about his outrageous conduct!
But, the thing is, "Pushing their buttons", baiting, provoking, and smirking pretty much sums up Curt's act. He should've embraced the somewhat spooky but righteous plaintiff like a long-lost twin brother.