That Plaintiff was insane. Clearly the daughter who stormed out of her party gets her attitude from her mother, because no rational person sues for what she was suing for. The baker delivers the wrong $35 cake and the nutjob plaintiff thinks that means he's responsible for all of the party expenses, suing him for $1500.
Also, I love how her witness tried to explain the daughter's ridiculousness by saying there were all kinds of other things that went wrong, and she didn't flip out just because of the cake. Was the mother aware of all the other things her daughter was upset about? Because she was blaming the defendant for destroying the party all by himself.
P: "I had to pay the venue, I had to pay the DJ, I had to pay..." JM: "BECAUSE YOU HAD A PARTY!"
And even in the hallway she still didn't understand, thinking the defendant was responsible for all of her party expenses.
And even in the hallway she still didn't understand, thinking the defendant was responsible for all of her party expenses.
That woman was an entitled idiot -- and her daughter needs a good, strong dose of reality. I'm glad Milian told her off.
The baker offered her a full refund, a new cake, and told her she could keep the wrong cake that she had. He did everything right to make up for his store's mistake.
and her daughter needs a good, strong dose of reality.
Which is going to be even more difficult due to the damage her mother has likely done to make her this way.
First you hear about how the daughter flipped out over the cake, and it seems unbelievable that she's that outrageous and crazy. Then the mother keeps talking and you realize it's entirely believable.
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Mom was truly clueless. I'm in no way defending her, but it's obvious that she really couldn't see that her daughter was the problem child, not the baker/defendant.
It didn't come up, but if they had contacted the baker as soon as they discovered the verboten red velvet cake, the bakery might even have been willing to rush the right cake over there.
It's sad that apparently there was no friend or relative able or willing to advise the plaintiff that her thinking (such as it was) was totally a**-backwards. OTOH, maybe people tried and the plaintiff was too dense and stubborn to see the light.
Mom wasn't even able to get the Problem Child herself to appear to cry the blues about her spoiled party-- not that it would've helped. I would've like to have seen the crazy kid in action, though.
I felt sorry for the daughter who did appear; I'm sure she wanted to support her mom, not realizing that her honest statement that the wrong cake was only "the topping on the cake" for her demented sister sank an already nonexistent cause of action.
as a teacher in an inner NYC school... very few parents see the reality that their kid is the problem. they blame everyone else... the school, the teacher, 500 OTHER students... another school... cousins, neighbors... society...
it's not even the kid's fault. they are a kid and are only doing what they are shown or whatever. still need to take care of the situation, though.
but the blonde tipped haired girl wasn't the daughter. cause if she was, Marilyn would have yelled at her to grow up.
Kinda funny how she saved the half eaten cake all that time, like it was the key evidence that would convince the judge and seal the deal.
What's even funnier is that bringing a half-eaten cake as evidence only proves that it wasn't completely wasted, as there was at least one person at the party who had a piece.
The defendant admitted he delivered the wrong cake, was willing to give her a full refund, and even offered to give her a new cake. So there wasn't a question of the cake being the wrong cake. She went into the case entitled to a full refund because the defendant admitted to his mistake.
All bringing the cake as evidence could have possibly done was result in a verdict of a partial refund since the red velvet cake obviously had SOME value at the party. But in her warped mind, the half-eaten cake proves he has to pay every single party expense. ξ
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My first thought about the cake after she mentioned there were 35 people at the party was that there is no way that sized cake can feed that many people anyway.
My first thought about the cake after she mentioned there were 35 people at the party was that there is no way that sized cake can feed that many people anyway.
I thought the same thing.
Maybe the entire thing was just a ruse to collect some money.
I can't imagine why the other people would not show up to be entertained by this spoiled brat having what I am sure was one of her regularly scheduled meltdowns and hissy fits. Maybe if they sold popcorn as part of the show for the night more people would have been there. LOL
My mother's cousin Larry was in the restaurant/catering business.
When I was a kid, if Larry was present at family gatherings, the grownups would always call him over to cut the cake. He had a knack for getting more slices/servings out of a cake than seemed possible.
They used to joke that you'd better not drop a piece of cake that Larry sliced, because it was so thin it only had one side-- if it hit the floor the wrong way it would just disappear. π
What also disturbed me was how defiant the plaintiff was after the case was over and she was in the hallway talking to Curt. You'd think her civil rights were being violated.
That's Judge Milian's fault. Obviously the plaintiff was a semi-regular viewer, who realised that she almost always awards punitive damages in contracts cases involving cakes and parties... unfortunately for her, she didn't realise that is because Milian is a sucker for a crying bride. "Oh! You cried off your makeup because the cake was wrong? Even though you have professional pictures and had a beautiful ceremony, let's tack that on the bill! Bad caterer, bad!"
well who the hell gets a 10 inch cake to feed 35+ people?
most people don't understand that they are responsible for their parties no matter what happens. no one wants to take responsibility for what the world throws at them.
basically the fault lies at the mother for congratulating her 23 year old of a brat daughter. she is 23 years old and should know how to behave herself. now 35 people at the party and millions at home now know that she is an unstable soul who obviously had improper parental upbringing.
*If* this case made it before Judge Judy (and I say "if" because I can't imagine she would have dealt with this ridiculousness)...I can hear Judy's words now: