How would you act?
Whenever one side is listening to the other person tell their version, when they react shocked or outraged by what is being said, not only do they look stupid to us with all of their wild expressions, but Judge Milian often tells them to cool it, even when they haven't said anything, just made faces.
However, whenever one side stands calmly listening to the other side, even when they disagree with it, it sometimes makes them look guilty. And I have also noticed that the less of a reaction shown, the more likely Judge Milian tends to become biased against them before ever hearing their own testimony. Sort of "damned if you do, damned if you don't."
Now, granted, I would never ever agree to appear on television like this. But I have thought about it many times how I would act if the other person were lying about me, and I just don't know!
What would you do?