MovieChat Forums > The People's Court (1997) Discussion > People's Court, please retire the "Bad T...

People's Court, please retire the "Bad Tranny" joke cases involving car transmissions. Overused. Not funny. Offensive to the trans community.

Does anyone find Harvey Levin as delightful and hilarious as he finds himself?  Ugh.


Well, Harv is always preaching about the joys of adopting rescue/shelter dogs.

Perhaps it's his way of finding companions who find him delightful and hilarious.


Overused. Not funny. Offensive to the trans community.

Harv, himself, is openly gay. I doubt he'd want to offend the Trans Community.

If anything, Harv uses the same stale puns over and over.


here is no such thing as a "trans community"! That is a fad Bruce Jenner started when he decided to grow his hair long and call himself Caitlin.


there is no such thing as a "trans community"! That is a fad Bruce Jenner started when he decided to grow his hair long and call himself Caitlin.

Well, the way language evolves, I see nothing wrong with saying "Trans Community."

It's just a way of designating a group of people: White community, Black community, Hispanic community, Gay community.

I don't think it started with Jenner. His notoriety just brought it to the forefront.


If anything, Harv uses the same stale puns over and over.

Yup. Like for practically any word ending in "er", we are treated to, "____er? He hardly knew her."

Not clever the first thousand times, won't be clever the next time either. Just stop.


The one I find annoying is '"Blank"er? He hardly knew her'. So tired of that.


Ha! Wish I had read your post before offering my own reply!


Me three, before I posted my own reply.


I don't know why "tranny" should be seen as offensive.

It's just a shortening of a longer phrase, something we do with practically every other longer word or phrase in our language. Anything and everything can be shortened for convenience.

television set = TV
self portrait = selfie
abdominal muscles = abs (see also, traps, quads, lats and delts)
computer application = app
independent = indie
laboratory = lab
legitimate = legit
introduction = intro
limousine = limo
rehabilitation = rehab
military veteran = vet

So why is transgender person = tranny so wrong?


Nothing you've listed is a human being.

Every minority group has had to face the challenge of derogatory labels. The transgender community has asked the media to stop using the term "tranny" because it is considered (by them — the only opinion that counts in this instance) to be a derogatory term.

Defamatory: "tranny," "she-male," "he/she," "it," "shim"
These words dehumanize transgender people and should not be used in mainstream media. The criteria for using these derogatory terms should be the same as those applied to vulgar epithets used to target other groups: they should not be used except in a direct quote that reveals the bias of the person quoted. So that such words are not given credibility in the media, it is preferred that reporters say, "The person used a derogatory word for a transgender person." Please note that while some transgender people may use "tranny" to describe themselves, others find it profoundly offensive.

The More You Know!



Nothing you've listed is a human being.

Not even vets?

Vets as in veterans or vets as in veterinarians. Either works, both are shortened versions of longer words used to describe a certain group of people.

I guess I can respect their wishes and not use that word, but really, this is much ado about nothing. Considering how much actual persecution transgendered people face, it seems kind of silly to rail against a word that has no intended offense behind it.


The other bad joke the show needs to retire is "Sewer! He hardly knew her!" and its too numerous variations.
