Helle Fagralid's age

According to the DVD the film is copyrighted in 1992 and according to her biography she was born 1976. The movie may have been filmed up to a year before release. So she was 16, possibly 15 when making this movie. And she looks it.


Very well spotted. I think she looks 15 or 16 too. We both have something in common. I too have a talent for calculating an age. For those who don't know how it works, it is year movie is released minus year actor/actress is born. This will give you the age of the actor/actress at the time the movie is released. If you need to know their age now then subtract their year of birth from the the current year. For example Helle was born in 1976, she is (2008-1976) aged 32 on 11 May this year. I have explained how to work out the real age of someone - unfortunately I cannot help if you do not know their year of birth - thats up to your own perception.


You forgot to specify that its important to use all numbers in the years instead of just the last two, especially when we are in a new century. For example if you use 08-76 you get -68, instead of 32. You can then add 100 to get to the right age, but its easier to use all numbers in the year. I'll put it in a formula: (current year) - (birth year) = current age


Depending on when they did the filming she could have possibly been 14 during filming.


I knew this would be about a nude scene.

From IMDB's parental guide section for this film;

14 year old and 10 year old girls swim in a lake topless in panties while a young boy watches. They ask him to join them. He pulls off his clothes and jumps in wearing underwear. He swims to them and stares at the older girl's breasts. She covers them with her arms and smiles shyly


NOomthats not right.
