
Please stop with the insensitive questions and statements about intellectual disabilities or any other kind of disability.

"Full and half retard" statements are offensive. I don't care whether or not you are talking about an actor's performance. They are still offensive. Think about how such comments could make someone feel if they actually have a disability or have a loved one who does.

The same goes with questions like, "why are they so stupid?" or "why can't you train them like a house cat?" It's mean to compare a person to an animal. Again, think about how insensitive questions like these affect other people. I actually saw someone ask the two above questions. They are very offensive even if you say that you aren't intending to offend. Why would you ask such questions?

I have a niece who has Down Syndrome. I love her very much. She is a person just like everyone else. She also has many talents and abilities just like everyone else.


Thank you for making your statement. I also have a son with Autism and feel that "nobody" has the right to put any handicapped person down. It should be regarded just as insulting as racist comments.

