Anybody else wanted to smack Danny?
Ok, first off, I must get this off my chest: to those on this board who claim that you have to be "heartless" to not like this movie- what a simplistic, childish thing to say. You all must be mentally challenged yourselves. There are differences of opinion, OK? UNDERSTAND? OK? I did not care for this movie, and I do indeed have a heart. I have been known to cry watching certain movies or listening to certain songs, or reading certain books. But this movie did absolutely nothing for me, and in fact I found it to be rather schmaltzy and patronizing. But this post is mainly actually Danny. Did anybody besides me find him almost unspeakable annoying, and pathologically in need of a good swift kick in the rear? Bad enough he drunkenly blurts out his and Carla's sexual history in front of a packed party, thereby humiliating her...he completely RUINS her sister's wedding reception! Throwing mini marshmallo's down from the balcony over the wedding party during the vows, almost falling down, then loudly declaring his love for Carla and asking her to marry him....If I was Carla's sister, I would have been LIVID.