MovieChat Forums > Ronin (1998) Discussion > Putting the gun in the milk crates?

Putting the gun in the milk crates?

In the opening scene, what was the point of this? Disarming himself before entering an environment he is clearly skeptical of, doesn’t make sense to me, what are your thoughts?


I took it as preparation - he figured he might get frisked, so he ditched his gun. He also might have to run, so he placed it near an exit but not in plain view.

To see how it might've played out in a John Woo film, check out this clip from "A Better Tomorrow":

TLDR(eview video)? Chow Yun Fat's character places guns in planters along his escape route, so he doesn't have to reload as he retreats.

And I'm too lazy to look it up, but didn't John Wick do something similar in his second film?


Good points and appreciate the Chow Yun Fat clip!


I seem to recall in John Wick 2 he stashed his shotgun and speedloader gear and his AR I guess in the catacombs.


It still seems silly to do that. Why would he fear getting frisked in a little coffee shop. If he did run into danger, he'd do better with his gun on him.


Because it was supposed to be a meeting place. Why carry a gun if he was going to get patted?


Considering what he is being hired for, his hiding his gun makes a lot of sense (it only takes one frisk to ruin your whole day).
