100 things I've learned from watching Ronin
1. Before rogue agents shoot at each other they make friends by exchanging small talk.
share1. Before rogue agents shoot at each other they make friends by exchanging small talk.
shareGuns with a silencer make small holes.
You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.
what ever is in the suitcase is more important than a million dollar ice skater with great knockers
Please buddy, running the elevator its all i got.
I think it's at 64. So We learn that:
64. ... it's easier to hide a camouflaged pistol than a regular one.
65. ...in a short sequence, Robert De Niro is capable of shooting a grenade launcher, switching to an assault rifle next, then hitting a fast moving car with a rocket launcher and at the end polishing everything off with a few bursts of heavy machine gun?
OK...66: The guy in the wheelchair will only send you a bunch of 'fooking lames';
67, When you have someone by the throat bent backwards over a railing you can instantaneously reverse them so they are bending (forwards) over the railing enabling you to take the gun out of their back trousers, and then instantaneously reverse them again so they are again bending backwards over the railing.
68. Germans can pronounce Hereford correctly but Americans can't
69. He already had the case, he had to have already had the case!
70. Within the Roman Ampitheatre you can become invisible to Vincent, he will walk right past you if you lean against a wall and then you can turn around and tell him to 'stop'.
71. We can't work out where Gregor would have gone despite asking ourselves the question ten times
72. You can find the Russians at the Ice Arena
73. Deirdre will never come back to the cafe.
74. I learned that ice skater Katarina Witt was in this this movie in 1998 and she posed for Playboy nude in 1998 and she also dated another spy guy, TV's MacGyver.
Come on people connect the dots.
Okay, so I failed Conspiracy class 101.
Forget about connecting the dots, at least, dot the dots.
The ice skater case had something to do with nude KW photos.
https://www.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz= 1T4GGHP_enUS366US367&q=KATARINA-WITT&biw=1259&bih=593& sei=l7lQUMKlF8a3ywHpwYGwCA
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NASCAR EVILS: Speeding, Tailgating, No Signals, Dangerous Passing, Road Rage, Wrecks...
76. If you put a sniper in the ice arena, it better be somebody you trust, and who never misses.
77. Assassination attempts cause a 3x price multiplier
78. Successful assassinations cause a 0x price multiplier
79. Jonathan Price has a lazy eye?
80. Suicide is the wrong choice.
81. Use a landline; the CIA is tracking your cell. "Who is this? I don't know you, prank caller, prank caller!"
82. French people are unusually friendly to strangers who ask for cigarettes or to have a picture taken.
83. Hot Eurobabes love bald guys, especially when they are handcuffed to a large case or are Russian mafia.
84. In Europe they use post offices for something different.
85. Once CIA, always CIA. Just ask Godfrey Cambridge.
share86. Always buckle your seat belt.
87. Don't be surprised if a Russian gangster chooses money over some bimbo.
88. Next time buy spray paint that dries faster.
89. It's probably not a good idea to countdown to your own death.
90. Playgrounds are great venues for getting your point across.
91. Get rid of one of the men on the team. And then ask for two more men. Even though he disabled the engine block of one of their opponents' cars in the arms deal gone wrong.
92. There are Irish women who don't have pretty eyes.
93. During car chases, wait until something that makes you really nervous happens before you put your seat belt on.
94. Spence doesn't know what the colour of the boathouse is in Hereford.
share95. French fruit merchants will choose death over losing a sale.
share96. If you're in the middle of the assasination of a champion ice skater, during her performance in France, your chilean citizen passport will get you out of trouble!
(yeah, right!)
Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.
97. Irish chicks are HOT for American guys with a road atlas...
share98. Sam enjoys a little Christmas music sung by a children's choir as he's plotting a brutal attack.
share99. Gregor's fine, but you're in a wee spot of trouble.
100. In French cities you can get away with public gunfights with dozens of rounds fired and not get caught by the police.
101. Deirdre looks good cleaned up.
86. Old reflexes: they die hard.
87. Dapper Gent never liked Gregor, either.
88. He can triangulate it.
89. Larry smokes too much.
90. Smoking is bad for the night vision.
92. If you need a drink after beating someone up, make sure you dump whatever liquid remains in one of the dirty glasses on the table and wipe it dry with your raincoat before pouring your own drink.
It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"
Ice skate cases recently painted silver take a long, long time to dry.
A wet paint silver ice skate case will have a bomb inside of it, so toss it away.
Fruit and vegetable stands are no match for speeding cars and automatic gunfire.
When a sniper becomes visible from a passing ship's lights, he will remain visible long enough to shoot him.
Phony gun experts throw-up as a tell sign that they are phony and weak.
Nobody (and I mean nobody) knows what color-color-color the boathouse in Hereford is painted.
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Many cynics and skeptics mistake their hubris negativity for actual intelligence.