the first one was good but it was downhill from there i had higher expectations for this film seeing it got 6.1 stars,maybe its because im american that im missing sumthing i give it a 2 out of 10
the first one was good but it was downhill from there i had higher expectations for this film seeing it got 6.1 stars,maybe its because im american that im missing sumthing i give it a 2 out of 10
American=Europeans only less smart and less racist
It's not terrible - it's very funny and has a great soundtrack!
shareAmericans being less smart is why America is more powerful and richer in 200 years than Europe has ever been right?
shareDo you think Brits give a toss about europe?
shareMan, what the hell is it about the rest of the world that makes them hate Americans? Yeah, our government is a bunch of warmongers and hate breeders, but that doesn't mean that the people that live here are the same. Yeah, the American public voted them into office, but not everyone did. And yeah, there are some stupid, trashy, altogether unsavory Americans out there, but once again, not all of us are like that. I don't go around saying that every Brit out there has bad teeth, funky breath, bad hygiene. I don't call you guys funkmouths or Limeys, or trot out any other sorry, old, out-of-date stereotype there is out there. People are people. And just because someone isn't like you doesn't give you the right to talk crap or tear someone else down. All you trolls should die horrible, horrible deaths. Grow up, and get real!
shareyou can blame Bush to a large degree for the amount of anti American feelings.
plus America is a nation with gun laws and an amount of "postal" shootings and a religious right wing that make it seem like a crazy nation to many peoople.
you also answered part of the question yourself America is the most powerful and influential nation in the world which can often build resentments also especially when that power is used for evil purposes like the way Bush used it for.
to some degree a lot of brit hate of Americans isn't that for real and is some degree spurred by similarities and rivalries as opposed to real hatred its more a form of banter it also exists between Aussies and Brits and Americans and Canadians.
there isn't a real hatred for Americans its not say on the level of dislike and hatred that racists feel for non whites not the kind of hatred that leads to the desire to beat and kill.
it is to some degree just a back lash against the amount of power and influence America has and the ignorance and bullying nature of the Bush admin.
footnote this movie is scottish the same apperent dislike exists between the scots and the English in fact the scottish "dislike " of the English is far stronger than English dislike of Americans is.
most scots would rather see any country including America win the soccer world cup than see England win it lol.
And in pratical realities most brits feel more commonality and identify with Americans far more than they do with their European neighbors. and England tends to share more common ground culturally with the US than with european nations in many aspects.
Also most English people can't understand scots with heavy scottish accents anymore than Americans can lol.
But most disllike and bad mouthing agaist America is the price for being the most powerful and influential nation in the world and having let Bush turn it into an imperilistic nation. there are similar feelings from a lot of nations towards the brits that still exist because England was once the most powerful and imperilistic nation around.
Whoa! Amazing how quickly this went from a movie review to an Amer-Brit hatefest. Regarding the film, I liked it. Brutal at times, but also quite beautiful at times. That's life, no?
As for the controversy, I find it interesting how quickly things can change in America. Bush is long gone and the first black man in American history is now the President. Has there ever been a black Prime Minister or President in Britain? In Australia? Russia? Germany? Poland? Or any other European country? I'm honestly asking because I don't know. My guess, however, is no.
President Barack Obama ended the war in Iraq and is soon to end the war in Afghanistan. He is not acting as the world police in Syria and he is doing everything he can to correct the abuses caused by the previous administration despite obvious attempts by the opposition party to undermine his every action. Domestically, his healthcare initiative has been proven credibile and constitutional and taken America a huge step closer to universal healthcare for all its citizens.
America is a great country. We've done a ton of great things, and many bad things too, but what country hasn't? Okay, maybe Iceland or Tahiti, but we're trying. We're trying.
bass_desires, you just answered yourself... Those few that you mentioned, those few that DON'T deserve to be hated; if they don't do anything to stop the rest of the warmongering, hate spreading, kamikaze fools that are running the show now; well then, the innocent, good Americans will be sacrificed, along with the rest of the planet...
And so, even you will deserve to be hated for doing nothing (like all the Germans were hated for few decades by the world)!!! Just most people predict a new Hitler arising from the USA, therefore the hate is advance preparation for possible defense(a simple example of human adaptation)...
Another reason is your complete lack of education, as a nation.
Whenever I have met an American in my life, they knew so little about anything that went on outside their continent (past or present). That is not too different anywhere else, but when American is ignorant, he is usually bravely, arrogantly ignorant, and the depth of stupidity is comparable to a dead rhinoceros (I guess idiotic behavior is rewarded in the States; I see no other explanation).
I'm sorry, but America produces the most hateable idiots (if hateable is a word)... You know, the rest of the world kind of keeps their idiots in their proper places, not in the room with lots of buttons that launch nuclear missiles!!!
And the third reason for hate is that USA played a world cop for a long time (pretty much since the end of the WWII), and now they are taking an innocent country apart. Maybe most of America thinks there were some terrorist and that building that exploded is a reason to serially attack few entire countries, but I assure you the rest of the world sees things differently. I'm not arguing whose fault is it, and who is responsible, and what should be done. I'm just saying that the most of the world sees Americans as terrorists and Iraqi as freedom fighters (they are on their own land, after all)... I know you (and most good Americans) didn't have a direct hand in it, but you are permitting a mass murder to go on. So you do deserve hate, for your weakness/apathy.
And to the typical example of stupid American that should be hated and probably ousted from the gene pool that said:
Americans being less smart is why America is more powerful and richer in 200 years than Europe has ever been right?You don't need to be smart to get power. You just have to want it more (and then you can obtain it by compromising and by running over people, like USA did in WWII). And I know you punny brain was filled with misinformation that somehow USA saved the Europe from Germany, but if you heal your ADD, and read something longer then 2 pages, and something written by an authority on the subject, you might actually understand that it was quite the opposite... No country in the history of this planet EVER profited more in 5 years (economically and diplomatically), then the USA did from 1940-1945... So save singing that song for later: "you'd be speaking german now". The only thing we might be speaking, is Russian, if it weren't for germans to kill 40-something million of them in WWII(out of 60 million total deaths in Europe)... share
Yeah but apart from all that did you enjoy the film?
shareSorry, got carried away... Yes I liked the film. Not among the best for me, but I it has it's moments.
sharewhy does every discussion on imdb about a MOVIE end up being a war of words between americans and the english??
everybody relax...theres nothing more annoying than having to read this nonsense
"why does every discussion on imdb about a MOVIE end up being a war of words between americans and the english??"
It's because most amercians and englishmen are the most vile, rude, obnoxious, arrogant, hateful and disgusting people on the planet. Every nation in the world dispises them.
America the richest and most powerful nation? Powerful maybe. Now im not an expert in the feild, but is the USA not a trillon dollars in debt? So if there was a bank account for the USA would the balance not read
"-1,000,000,000,000 "? Damn i have more money than that, wish my bank would give me an overdraft that big. Well i suppose thats what the Iraq was was about. Thanks team GB and USA for making the world a more dangerous place. Your politicians and people have a special place in the worlds heart. Jeez i wish i was in a bar in england right now talking with all those lovely people.
I was about to rip into you for your post, until I saw the word "most" :P
shareGoing back to the film, I thought it was great, Irvine Welch is such a good writer. This is a very extreme film, very funny though.
You should check out Trainspotting, although I do find it slightly hard to understand the strong accents sometimes...
It's a Scottish film based in Scotland, nothing to do with the America and England lol
Those are in fact valid reasons, but here's the thing: Over 80% of Americans DON'T support the Iraq campaign. Simple as that. Just because my country's government is doing something doesn't mean I support it. I didn't vote for Bush, and I sure as hell don't agree with the stuff he's doing. All you people outside the U.S. need to take that into account before you join in with the other "fashionable" people who think it's so hip to bash Americans. Yes, I'm American, but NO, I don't represent the worst of what America has to offer, therefore, I shouldn't be lumped into your stereotypical ideals of what Americans are. You probably only know about America through what you see on TV, which is sad if true. Beyond that, I don't just absent-mindedly talk trash about you just because you are from wherever it is you're from. My judgments on people are based on their actions, not where they happen to be from, or what culture they belong to, or the color of their skin, or whatever else. Actions alone, my friend. So before you start giving me hell because I just so happen to be from America, keep in mind that I'm not fighting in the desert out there to oppress people, nor am I policing the world. That's my government (the side I voted AGAINST) that's doing that. Besides, you ALL rely on our economy, our products, our services, our inventions, etc. Hell, you all even rely on us to show you what to wear, what to listen to, and even what to eat. If that wasn't the case, tell me why there's McDonald's in other countries? And don't give me crap about nobody using said services, etc. Simple fact is that if there wasn't a demand for American goods, services, and businesses, they wouldn't be anywhere but America. But I guess coming from a place where you're not used to having to vote people into office, you wouldn't know all that, would you? Oh yeah, you guys do vote now...after WE showed you back in good ol' 1776 about what freedom really was. For all I know, you're all still pissed that we won the revolutionary war to begin with. All you American bashers are no better than racists, just without the race. Prejudice is SUCH an ugly thing... Good thing we here in America have such open minds. You might know that if you knew more about America and Americans than what you've seen on TV, or heard from other prejudiced jerkoffs like yourself. Judge not, lest ye be judged yourselves.
shareIf (A)ssholes (A)rgument = " I just so happen to be from America, keep in mind that I'm not fighting in the desert out there to oppress people, nor am I policing the world. That's my government"
Therefore (AA) + Brit = "I just so happen to be from the UK, it's not me that is relying on your economy, your products, your services, your inventions, etc. Hell, not even to show us what to wear, what to listen to, or even what to eat. That's my government"
Now, this one's a little more tricky.
If (AA) = " Simple fact is that if there wasn't a demand for American goods, services, and businesses, they wouldn't be anywhere but America."
(AA) + 2009 = "America is in the middle of a nice big recession." So you're right, if there was no demand for American goods, services or business, they wouldn't be anywhere but America, and now, slowly but surely, they're all closing down and going out of business. Nice prophecy Sherlock.
Okay so now that we've cleared up the blame issue, lets slowly assimilate and prove fruitless your other points.
Here's a couple of my favourite quotes - "I don't just absent-mindedly talk trash about you just because you are from wherever it is you're from.
And this little gem,
"Prejudice is SUCH an ugly thing... Good thing we here in America have such open minds."
Which you then follow up with.. (and you must have forgotten you weren't racist or prejudice at this point).. "WE showed you back in good ol' 1776 about what freedom really was.." and "For all I know, you're all still pissed that we won the revolutionary war to begin with."
Now perhaps you're too ignorant to see that, but here in Britain, where we're taught things like manners, and etiquette, if someone where to speak to a countryman we were formerly at war with, e.g A German, and said "..WE showed you back in good ol' 1945 about what freedom really was.." and "For all I know, you're all still pissed that we won the second world war to begin with." then it would be considered both as prejudicial and as a racist insult.
So what was that other thing you mentioned.. something about judging people..
Oh yes.
"My judgments on people are based on their actions, not where they happen to be from, or what culture they belong to, or the color of their skin, or whatever else. Actions alone, my friend."
So you deny carrying a racist bone in your body, despite gloating at an entire nation (Brits) for losing a war fought over 200 years ago, and then go on to declare that the entire world requires your services (google "the 2009 american recession" to see just how true that is, ha..ha..) and that "you all even rely on us to show you what to wear, what to listen to, and even what to eat."
Well, so far, with just a single post you've managed to prove by virtue of your own actions, that you're ignorant, prejudice, racist and fairly patronising.
Now look what happened there?
We can all learn a lesson. "bass_desires" has been judged SOLEY on his or her actions, on her exact words, to the letter.
And how has she been judged? As ignorant, prejudice, racist and patronising.
Ahh. Sounds like a stereotypical American to me! What a co-oincidence.
P.S, just to add, I thought I might take the time to educate you slightly, you've obviously not been taught very well so here you go, take a look at all those lovely facts and figures!
^ That is America's current debt report.
If staring at too many complicated words and large numbers is too much for you, why not skip down my favourite part, the "grand total"
"Our Federal Government Debt Report shows $9.2 Trillion of debt as of end CY 2007, the State & Local Government Report shows debt of $2.2 Trillion, and $41.6 Trillion of private (household, business and financial sector) debt is revealed in America's Total Debt Report.
These sum to $53 Trillion - - equivalent to $175,154 per capita, or $700,616 per family of 4.
(This sum does not include the federal government's un-funded contingent liabilities such as social security/Medicare/Medicaid estimated at $57 trillion, plus additional unknown amounts(?) for other contingencies"
So that works out at the sum total of the United States World Debt, as recorded on Jan 1st, 2008, at being a fairly hefty $53 Trillion.. and then there's the niggling concern of the federal governments un-funded contingent liabilities, which you can check out for yourself, which add up to just over the sum of the rest of your debt.. topping out at an estimated $57 Trillion.
So, if these federal government contingent liability debts are included with the debt of the American private household, business and financial sectors (That would be $41.6 Trillion), then added to the debt of the Federal Government itself ($9.2 Trillian), and finally the State and Local Government debt ($2.2 Trillion) the The Grand Total Amount Of Dollars America Is Going To Have To Stump Up Just To Get Out Of The *beep* IS...........
Need I compare this to the national debt of the other countries who apparently "require your services, worldwide" .. ?
I will leave you with this link to a graph showing the true extent of the debt of your country, thus sheathing my sword in this battle of wits, and hoping you will never again speak out of term against a Brit, because when it comes to Americans, we don't *beep* around reminding you who's boss.
^ Enjoy and compare to.. oh.. any other first world nation on Earth?
Battle of wits? Sounds like you just took everything I said WAY out of context, thought I can't say it surprises me much. I was merely chastising some arrogant bigot for taking their dislikes with the government I was born into, and projecting them on me. You don't know me. You don't know if I'm ignorant (although you made that assumption just because I wasn't spewing political/economical facts-that doesn't make me ignorant). Neither does the last arrogant bigot. Yeah, the government I live under has a huge national debt, and they screwed up big time. That doesn't mean I agree with it. However, when I was referring to the USA as the richest country on the planet, I wasn't talking about how much my government has (or in this case owes), I meant the US as individuals. A truly intelligent person might have seen that, but I guess that isn't the case here, is it? As for the subject of America's services being in other places, I don't see places like McDonald's closing down, do you? How about Pizza Hut? Last time I checked, folks around the world were buying up Apple iPhones and iPods, and other products created and manufactured here, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't Hollywood (the place where all the huge worldwide blockbuster films are made, and where all the movie stars come from) in America? I'm not saying that anyone is better than anyone else because of it. Facts are simply facts. If you want to take it as gloating, that's your problem, not mine. You could ask, but somehow that doesn't seem like your style. And you think you can sit and smugly lecture me on ignorance? Get real. In the subject of the rest of the world relying on America's products, etc., I'd be willing to bet you're posting your written fecal spewing on some sort of a computer, right? Most of the world is pretty dependent on computers, in case you didn't know. What is the operating system running on yours? What are the most widely used operating systems in the world? Windows? Mac? Linux? All are compliments of the US, pal. For those that like jumping to conclusions, these are facts, not gloating. I'll agree, my comments about the Revolutionary war and such were a bit "hyper-patriotic," and as such were a bit over the top. That doesn't mean I view myself as better than anyone else simply because I'm American. I'm simply sick of hearing about how bad Americans suck based on what my government has done, or even a few bad apples. A lot of people have that stereotype about us (not all, but a LOT), and I played into that stereotype, I'm afraid. But I don't go around saying all Brits have bad teeth, are snobby, and have complete indecipherable accents, because it's not true of every Brit. In my experience, however, I have heard a LOT of tearing down of Americans as a whole, based on what our government is doing, regardless of whether I personally support it or not. How about you actually get to know something about someone before bumping your gums about someone's character? You talking down to me the way you did just proved my point. You think you're better than me because I said a couple of things that are *gasp!* right? Take a walk, kid. You don't know me any more than I know you. But, I'm not going to talk trash on you simply because of the country you were born in. In this sort of instance, I'll talk trash about someone (you in specific) in response to making assumptions and stereotypes of me, without knowing me from Adam 12. And once again, you have the gall to smugly lecture me on ignorance? You, however took to the mob mentality, and just want to bash Americans because they're Americans (a possibility may be because you're too afraid that you might be proven wrong about some of your misconceptions, or *gasp!* meet one that you might like). I don't judge people, I merely react when a troll such as yourself picks a fight. I base my opinion (something different from a judgment, for those incapable of reading between the lines/picking up on subtleties) on merit, and you, my friend, do NOT have merit from what I've read so far. If I'm wrong, prove it. Just don't base everything you know about Americans by watching American TV, or wherever else your warped view on Americans comes from. Intelligent people do a little research (like talking to someone) before jumping on the bandwagon. Not to mention that it's quite unbecoming of a proper Brit. Oh, but wait! You should already know that, because as you yourself said, "in Britain, [we're] taught things like manners and etiquette."
shareTake a chill pill, my friend. We brits must spread kindness and tolerance, not vengeful rhetoric about deeds done long ago or unlawful acts of war only a politician has the power to commit. Save it for the day you come face to face with the ones who pull the strings.
shareI thought The Acid House was fairly loyal to the book, with only minor alterations (e.g. the baby and Coco meeting in a bar as opposed to on a bus; can't think of any others off hand) - the screenplay was however written by Irvine Welsh, so one would expect it to stick as close to the book as possible.
On a somewhat related topic, does anyone know anything about the film adaption of Filth that is supposed to be coming out in '11?
I'm considering setting the ball rolling on the message board for it, but there won't be much point if I'm the only one posting.
Xbox LIVE Gamertag : Coldheart2236
PSN ID: Coldheart2236
Hey, no offense intended, man. It just pisses me off that people will talk trash about me just because of where I happen to have been born (like I had a choice in the matter).
shareThere was less than 40 million Russian deaths in world war 2 It closers to 23 million, this goes back a couple post so sorry, but it was bother me.
shareI didn't like much the 1st film, but the 2nd and especially the 3rd were amazing. I gave it 8.