I just watched this movie and I don't understand the part where she is talking to Bob about sometime going on an airplane and he says something like, you've never been on an airplane? and she started to explain but then she stopped, and started talking about how her mom died of heart disease when she was 5, how her dad left her, and her grandpa raising her...does anyone know why she stopped explaining?


I think she stopped explaining because Bob asked her why she'd never been on a plane (or anywhere, as she later revealed). The truth was that she was in poor heath most of her life and was never well enough to travel, but since she wanted to keep her health issues a secret from Bob she couldn't very well tell him that. Instead she made up the story about her Grandpa being sick, saying she could never travel because she had to take care of him when in reality it was the exact opposite situation. Basically, I think she changed gears quickly to diflect any supsicions Bob might have. Hope that helped a bit.


it did, thanks.


I know this is going to sound like a little much, but commercial aircraft travel between 35000 and 41000 feet when traveling more than a few hundred miles. At that altitude, the cabin pressure (the air inside the airplane) is equivalent to that at 8000 feet above sea level. With the kind of heart problems she was having, flying commercially would have been extremely dangerous because of the thinner air.
