MovieChat Forums > Return to Me (2000) Discussion > I really enjoyed this movie, but..

I really enjoyed this movie, but..

The whole idea of a man and his wife very much in love, and her dying, and having another woman receive her heart, only to fall in love with the same man, seems so.. I don't know... wrong? Like the only reason he's fallen in love with her, is because the heart of his now passed away wife, is in this new woman's body. I mean would they even have fallen in love, if it weren't for the death of Elizabeth? Quite sad ;(


Bob didn't fall in love with her because of his wife's heart (he had no idea and getting a new heart doesn't change your character). He never would have met Minnie (for obvious reasons) if she hadn't died though. It was just a coincidence.


But the Gorilla only held his hand up because of the heart!


I don't think Bob only fell for Grace because she had Elizabeth's heart though. I think it was a "God works in mysterious ways" type movie. If Bob knew from the beginning that Grace got his wife's heart, it would have been different.


I can see that too! It just seems so weird haha, I don't know! Sweet story though! You said that if Bob knew from the beginning about Grace having Elizabeth's heart, it would have been different. So maybe he wouldn't have fallen in love with her, because he would have known about the heart. And he didn't for a really long time, but still found himself oddly attracted. Ahh I don't know :)


I didn't think of it that way, maybe knowing that Grace got Elizabeth's heart might have turned him off to dating her. I was thinking it might have made him more attracted to her, knowing a part of his wife was living in this woman.

I just love this movie, so sweet and heart warming. Some of the funniest lines too. :)
