Unsafe gun handling.

Why so much of it in this film. First we have Riggs pointing a loaded gun in Leo's face, then later Chris Rock does the same thing. Anybody involved in this film concerned that people would see this and duplicate these acts? Who the hell was the gun wrangler for this movie? Just asking.


Wow. It's like you have no concept of comedy or something....
There's no point in even trying to explain the concept of a movie to you....


Well maybe as a responsible gun owner I have a hard time finding it funny. Or perhaps you havent heard of "monkey see, monkey do". Every single accidental death from firearms could be prevented if the simple rules of safe handling are observed and if even 1 person watching this movie walks away thinking its ok to point a loaded weapon in somebodies face that is an invitation to diaster. Also I would point out that this is not a spoof of police films and the actors are playing cops, regardless of any humor in the film at least one thing should have been taken seriously, the safe and proper handling of deadly weapons.


There are so many dangerous acts portrayed in this film that could fall under the "monkey see, monkey do" caution, if they were to eliminate them all, the film never would have been made. Most films would never be made if filmmakers had to worry about mouth-breathers that don't know the difference between fantasy and reality.

Every single accidental death from anything could be prevented - that is the definition of "accidental". Every car accident, ever, is caused by the driver not paying attention - which is the most important thing to do when you are behind the wheel.

This whole series of films is absolutely a spoof of police films! Of course it is. It pokes fun at the genre throughout. If it was not a spoof, they would not have been on the force very long before being suspended or fired for their behaviour.

Movies are fantasy. They are there to be enjoyed. Some humour in some films may not be to everyone's taste. And dark humour (such as playfully threatening an innocent with a deadly weapon) is the most difficult to explain. It can also be - as you have found - the most disturbing when it hits home.

Actually, it's interesting that it's police who are doing this. If you know anything about cops, you know that they tend to have a very dark sense of humour. Maybe playfully pointing a gun is beyond the limits of reality. But this is a movie.

I don't believe that films or TV make people do things they wouldn't normally do. If that were the case then there would have never been a murder before someone made a movie about a murderer. If someone is going to commit murder, they are going to do it regardless of what movies they watch.

And if someone lives in a country where they can just pick up a gun without any training and point it at anyone or anything, then they are going to do that if it's in their nature to do so. It's highly unlikely that someone who is experienced with guns will come out of this movie thinking, "Gee, those police officers were pointing their guns in other people's faces. Why didn't I ever think of doing that? I can't wait to get home and show the wife my new trick!"


so perfectly stated!!!!!!!!
