Question: Is There Any Artistic Vision As Purely Honest As This?
Like it or loathe it, and I'm often quite apathetic to it, and not really a big fan, what I will say about this show is that it's one of the *very few* honest expressions of its artists' beliefs. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the POV of Matt Stone and Trey Parker, at least one can be fairly certain *this* is *genuinely* what they believe (i.e. there is no filter, specifically NO Hollywood 'virtue'/'this is what I *should* be thinking and saying whether I believe it or not' filter). And many of us appreciate that. We're tired of fakery and shallow takes. We want people to say what they really believe and feel, whether it's right or wrong.
So, honest question: is there any other film, show, or particular artist that seems like a genuine expression of a person's honest, unfiltered beliefs rather than a contrived piece of propaganda (for the left, right, or indeed centre) or vanity project?