Just let it go.

In 1999, this was okay. The lightsaber fights were something we never saw before and the CGI was great for the time.

Problem is, this is a forgettable movie. Heck, the only reason anyone is talking about it is because Disney desecrated the starwars corpse.

It's time to let Star wars go and relax.


No One Is Stopping You


i tried watching it 2 or 3 times recently and wasn't so into it. i tried watching it from after the podrace scene, like i sometimes do, and wasn't into it and then last night i watched the first half again and was totally enjoying it.


I have DVDs of "AotC" and "RotS", because they're fun when I'm in the right mood.

But I don't have a DVD of this one!



Nope! Nothing can make "The Phantom Menace" cool, in any way accepted as cool anywhere in the universe.


It’s such a shittily written script. It’s got the exact same problems as the Disney movies. Plot holes and convenient contrivances up the ass.

Like Amidala’s ship just happening to stop by Tattooine, where the Jedi just happen to come across a small boy in a random desert town who happens to be the prophecy who will “return balance to the force” and be the saviour of the galaxy. Oh, and it just so happens to be the same planet where Luke grows up, oh and Anakin built C3PO, LOL-what?

At least in the first movie it made sense that Leia diverted the frigate to Tattooine because she knew Obi-Wan was in hiding there and she could smuggle the plans to him. In Phantom Menace it’s just a random act of chance. So bad.
