Undeserved hate

I think the prequels were better than they get credit for, it became almost fashionable to heap scorn on them, even Simpsons did in one episode but they really weren't that bad. I haven't bothered watching the new ones, there comes a time when even the best franchises should end and it looks like they don't know when to quit.


Totally agree. The bashing of the prequels became fashionable. I'm not saying they were perfect, but they were not deserving of such hate. In fact, I think Attack of the Clones is the only one which is difficult to watch This one (Phantom Menace) and Revenge of the Sith are actually good films.


I enjoyed each prequel movie in the year that followed its theatrical release, but as time went on I began to realize all the problems that exist in each movie. They are entertaining, but I can see why they are mocked and cast down by so many.


Two of them are actually better than Force Awakens.



Watch all 7 parts of this then come back and tell me they're good movies (and actually mean it)


Not enough focus on Mace Windu. He was the best thing about this trilogy.


more obi


I think this one was the most well rounded and had good special effects. Sith is a guilty pleasure.


Ok I will play along what was so good about the phantom menace?


I'm the first to say that the prequels aren't ALL bad, that there's great stuff like Ian McDiarmid and the battle at the start of ROTS and the John Williams score and Padme's insane wardrobe.

However, they're bad enough that the fandom has spent 20 years discussing where they went wrong and how they could have been better, and hasn't run out of things to say.
