Possible HHGTTG reference?
In the beginning, when Serleena's spaceship lands in the par, her ship is approached by a dog. In her original form, Serleena is a lot smaller than the dog and the humans on Earth.
Quote from HHGTTG:
"After millennia of battle the surviving G'Gugvuntt and Vl'hurg realised what had actually happened, and joined forces to attack the Milky Way in retaliation. They crossed vast reaches of space in a journey lasting thousands of years before reaching their target where they attacked the first planet they encountered, Earth. Due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was swallowed by a small dog."
It was only a while after I had read HHGTTG for the n'th time, I watched the movie again, and even before this scene occurred, I realized the similarity between this scene and HHGTTG.