Well, I didn't say Stiller couldn't be in it. But, his character did leave Zero at the end of the film. True, Zero said he could come back, but Arlo's response apparently was, "Don't hold your breath." And the fact that Zero said, "I never made any attempt to find her," sort of implies that he never saw Gloria again. But, I guess, these are not impossible phrases to get around.
The harder thing is that the story sort of concluded. Not just the case, but the stories of Arlo, Zero, and Gloria. Zero has to learn to stand on his own two feet. He also finds love for the one and only time in his life. Arlo has his own life to live with his new wife, and Gloria finally concludes her "business" with her father and travels the world. What would reconnect them all? Maybe Gloria tries her hand at being a dectective and has to consult Arlo and Zero on a case. That would make a little sense. But she can't really come back to the country for fear of being killed by Stark. I guess it would be kind of funny to see Zero traveling the world, pointing out obscure facts about Swedish lava lamps and such. But he has a terrible reluctance to even go to Seattle from L.A. to investigate this case. I can't see him flying all over the world very easily.
Finally, there is a practical problem. I don't think the film, as great as it is, made much money. What would be the incentive to make a sequel? To please the critics and a few thousand fans? The movie making industry, like any industry, is in it to make money. And I don't think that a sequel to a movie few people saw in the first place would have very good prospects of being made.
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