MovieChat Forums > Zero Effect (1998) Discussion > TIME TO GAIN CULTDOM........


This is a great film !!! Vastly overlooked and certainly underrated. Many kudos to the late Roger Ebert who recognized what a fine film this is. Yes, it is decidedly a modern take on Sherlock Holmes,especially A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA,the first of the Holmes short stories. Now to think of it, this film is way ahead of it's time when you consider all the modern takes on Sherlock Holmes as of late. Surely, this film is a inspiration for SHERLOCK and certainly ELEMENTARY (one could even argue Robert Downey's Holmes films after a fashion)in style and substance,source material notwithstanding.

So, the reason it really hasn't reached cult status is even more bewildering when it not only deserves it, but screams it as well. To Bill Pullman, Ben Stiller and Jake Kasdan: Gentlemen, your film deserves better. At least, there's a nice HD version currently playing on Showtime...

Be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove




I totally agree.Bill Pullman and Daryl Zero definitely deserve cult status, if not already there.This movie is like an old friend a viewer likes to visit every few years, getting reacquainted with the iconic Daryl Zero.It should have had sequels and more.Bill Pullman as many of us fans know, is like a chameleon in his roles and a wonderful actor. He would have made a great Inspector Clouseau in my mind.Check him out in The Last Seduction with Linda Fiorentino, where he plays a deranged boyfriend.He puts himself out there with a very edgy performance.We loved him in Independance Day, and who can forget his gifted performance in While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock.He never tries to outshine his co-stars but always adds his own unique style to the work.Lastly, The Zero Effect does smack of Sherlock Holmes to it's very core, and a faster pacing might have helped it find a larger audience, but for many of us, it's a gem just the way it is.


He would have made a great Inspector!


And don't forget Monk!


Tremendous P.I./Modern-day detective film. Just watched this for the first time and I was nothing but amazed. Pullman does an awesome job as the brilliant but reclusive Daryl Zero, and I could imagine how successful a continuation of his adventures would be. Not that I would hope for awful numerous sequels, but there are great characters here and the story is refreshing. What do you think the time lapse needs to be for it to become a cult film? 18, 19, 20 years seems plenty enough!

How's Annie? How's Annie? Hahaha, How's Annie? 
