
Does Singer bring a predator change your feelings toward his movies?

X-Men and X2 are two of my favorite superhero movies, and they especially resonated with me when I was younger. But now, knowing what Singer was doing, it’s sullied my love for the movies a bit. Just wondering how many of the young actors might’ve been violated by the director and those in his circle.


It's funny. I asked the same question re Jerry Seinfeld the other day:-

Now generally, I don't really expect US Jewish people to be too strongly involved re the Israel / Palestine situation. I think they jokingly skirted around the issue a couple of times in Seinfeld and we got a couple of very funny episodes in Curb with the Palestinian Chicken and Salmon Rushdie himself episodes but they were pretty non committal.

However seeing Jerry Seinfeld over in Israel, taking selfies and sucking up with soldiers we know have been committing horrific atrocities against an innocent civilian population with a large percentage of kids, has got me seriously thinking about this.

Is the separation of an artist's work and their behaviour a valid position to take morally? It's hard to say...


I still love X2


It doesn’t change my opinion on the films. I judge his movies based on their own merits and not based on him or his behaviour.


I knew about him being problematic since at least 2005 (after Beyond the sea), it was an open secret. The rumors for him and Spacey were there since back then.
Does it change anything? No, I also still enjoy watching Spaceys Performance too. I have more issues with Weinstein movies, as you know the Jabba definitely did something with at least 70% of the actresses in the movies.
