MovieChat Forums > What Dreams May Come (1998) Discussion > STILL BRILLIANT AFTER SEEING IT AT MY MU...


I first heard about WDMC by my Mum who at the time was dying of cancer. I was working on a movie and away from her. She told me about this wonderful movie she saw and really wanted me to see it. She passed away less than seven months later. And as macabre as this may sound, that same evening after she died, I was at our family home, just me with her coffin and body in the lounge. I sat in Mum's chair, wearing her slippers and dressing gown and I watched the movie for the first time. Crying my way through it, what I took from it was that we create everything from thought which becomes our own reality. Wasn't taking the hell or heaven stuff literally, it wasn't the point in why she was really wanting me to see it. Her knowing she was dying and general belief system on what happens after we die, that we don't die and continue on was the best thing for me to connect with at that time. So on this level I absolutely loved the movie and today with my husband all these years later watched it again and thought wow, it still moves me in a way that I can connect with those feelings and my Mum. I wish that more people could see this movie now.

On a tech level, I believe Vincent Ward did an amazing job directing. He captured the essence and he connected well with the actors. The photography was spectacular, as were the sets.

Thank you for reading….


Thanks for sharing.
