MovieChat Forums > What Dreams May Come (1998) Discussion > can't watch this anymore because it's so...

can't watch this anymore because it's so damn sad!

I think it may just be #1 on my ranking of sad movies, besides the trippy visuals there's no part of this film that isn't heartbreaking, in fact it's downright disturbing.

and yet i used to watch it ALL THE TIME!

My other favorite tearjerkers are Beaches, Stepmom, Brokeback Mountain, Ghost, Philadelphia, The Joy Luck Club and others, but I feel like all those films have great moments of comedy, romance and drama that soften the sorrow. Actually, maybe not Philadelphia, but certainly the rest.

Nevertheless, I'm a pretty emotional person and this film deals with some of my greatest fears so I can see how others might not find it so sad, but I'd like to know if anyone else agrees with my sentiment.


It's not sad at all when you consider the ending. They end up together and have a second chance so what's so sad about it? Essentially they're soul mates so they'll always find each other.

Beaches, Stepmom, and Ghost were all basic Hollywood formulaic plots and characters that are a little contrived and sappy. They're also way to heavy on Western ideas and cliches but to each his own I guess. They're good for what Hollywood is known for.

There are much sadder movies than this one. Try Schindler's List, Burnt by the Sun, The Barber of Siberia, The Pianist......just to name a few.


There are much sadder movies than this one. Try Schindler's List, Burnt by the Sun, The Barber of Siberia, The Pianist......just to name a few.

Imitation of Life and Roots. I defy anyone to watch those two movies and not cry.

