Film does not depict Heaven nor Hell, but rather it is Purgatory
I agree with the original statement "this is not what Hell is like" made on a different discussion topic ( I considered posting there, but later thought the idea "This is Purgatory" might merit its own discussion.
IF I were to assume that this film is based partially on Christianity, and not solely non-Christian New Age Spirituality, then I would argue that that the "Hell" and "Heaven" presented in this movie is not Hell nor Heaven, but rather it is a representation of Purgatory, a.k.a. a state between death and final judgment. This conclusion is based on various evidence in the film, such as the absence of any divine leadership figure in "Paradise" and on the immediate appearance of the recently deceased in either the paint-filled "Paradise" or the dark and frightening "Outer Darkness".
It is believed in various Christian doctrines and even in Judaism that Purgatory is a place further purification and progression towards holiness, a last chance of sorts. It is also believed by many, including "Mormons", that this state between death and final judgment has two divisions called "Paradise" and "Spirit Prison". The following quote from Wikipedia seems to describe an existence, conditions, and events matching that which are depicted in What Dreams May Come:
"Before the Last Judgment, spirits separated from their bodies at death go either to Paradise or to Spirit Prison based on their merits earned in life. Paradise is a place of rest while its inhabitants continue learning in preparation for the Last Judgment. Spirit Prison is a place of anguish and suffering for the wicked and unrepentant; however, missionary efforts done by spirits from Paradise enable those in Spirit Prison to repent..."
I know that there are many out there who do not believe in the afterlife or who may not believe in "Purgatory" in particular. Regardless, I would be very interested to hear your opinions, God-fearing or otherwise, on whether or not the afterlife in "What Dreams May Come" is best interpreted to be Purgatory (the state between death and final judgment) as it is taught in the various religious doctrines. share