Niagara Falls?

Saw Niagara Falls listed as a filming location, but I can't remember what scene(s) could've been filmed there. It's been a little while since I've seen this movie and a quick google search doesn't lead me to any specifics. Does anyone know?


There was a scene where I thought it looked like Niagara Falls. It was during the time Chris jumped off the cliff in heaven when he was trying to fly to reach Annie as she was shaking the red blanket. Maybe that was it?


No, there aren't any cliffs anywhere near that tall or of that type at or near Niagara Falls. It's probably some scene that they altered heavily with CG.

I live near Niagara Falls and have seen it about three gazillion times, from both sides, and I can't figure out in the film where it is.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


So am I. Did you look a little farther downstream to the gorge? You know, where the giant cliffs are? Right after it goes after the falls before it flows into lake ontario? However, Niagara Falls is also the name of the town the falls are in and they could have shot anywhere in town, too. Who knows without talking to someone who made the film.


Actually, the thought of it possibly referring to the town, or city, hadn't even occurred to me. It may mean that. Who knows?

It's been a while since I've seen this, but I still think it probably means the actual falls, and probably the Horseshoe Falls, and it's just VERY heavily edited so it doesn't resemble itself at all. I know they do that in films all the time, today, and with this film, with the scenes being more fantasy looking that real, the lack of the CGI back then that we have today wouldn't have caused any kind of problem. It may very well be when Chris jumps off. Again, who knows?

We probably never will.

Why aren't cookies called bakies?
