MovieChat Forums > What Dreams May Come (1998) Discussion > Another terribly flawed 'wishful thinkin...

Another terribly flawed 'wishful thinking' afterlife film

Almost as bad as the cliched version of afterlife one might see in a comic book.

The human 'spirit' or 'essence' of what we are in this world and these bodies with our genetic programming we received at conception is a far more complicated and likewise far more dark thing than the vacuous portrayal of the plot line.

The idea that only this one man had the ability to retrieve his loved one from hell for example ... massive logic fail not to mention the height of arrogance (from the writer's pov)

The reincarnation idea is another massive logic fail on many levels, but I won't go into that in depth since the film didn't really address it deeply enough to get into the belief system behind reincarnation, suffice it to say that the imagined mechanism behind reincarnation A- does not reflect the realities of the world as humanity grows, and B- brings up some very unreasonable assumptions of those who are reincarnated to live tortured and unhappy lives.

The real pedestrian aspect of the film is that the father, mother, and children all wind up together in this saccharine version of the afterlife, complete with their memories of the old world ... only them apparently, because no one else that has ever lived and loved on planet Earth prior to him has been able to sweet talk a loved one out of hell.

As far as the concept of "rules" goes (or lack thereof), the idea that there really are no specific rules other than our own individual strengths and "natural goodness" would mean that each persona who has the ability is a god unto them self, and the millions of less spiritually endowed are simply doomed to lie in the muck with their heads sticking out.

Did I over analyze this one?

Sorry, it's what I do :P



Hopefully, someday, you'll enjoy something. ;-)


Since you put time and thought into your post I'll answer my own, honest opinion.

Nobody knows. If people would like to believe in heaven, reincarnation or even hell what does it hurt? Hope is a human emotion that people need and sometimes crave. It's only when it gets perverted by evil people that it turns ugly. Personally I like the thought that the afterlife can be what you want. If you want heaven, it's yours. If you'd like to come back to fix things via reincarnation that's an option too.

They may not be logical but who can say what will happen? Nobody knows except the dead but unfortunately they're not talking.


Did I over analyze this one?

Maybe just a little.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
