The entire movie, end to end, rakes at my heart with talons of teaching and revelation, but i think the two best lines of all are:
1) This one comes very near the end. It's a turnabout of an earlier, tragic line that occurs at least twice. It is a line of triumph. Annie: "Sometimes, when you lose, you win." The turnabout makes the line so moving.
2) The other one only works as a short sequence.
Chris: "Good people end up in hell because they can't forgive themselves. I know I can't. But I can forgive you."
Annie: "For killing my children? And my sweet husband?"
Chris: "No," he whispers. "For being so wonderful a guy would choose hell over heaven, just to hang around you."
It is the most stunning, moving scene of the movie and is right up there at the top of all movie moments. It is a a message of unqualified love and a triumph of perfect film moments.