MovieChat Forums > What Dreams May Come (1998) Discussion > The truth is no one really knows

The truth is no one really knows

anyone on here claiming the movie to be christian or not doesnt really know. The movie trys very hard to not be religious. God is mentioned once as being "up there somewhere" The plot is simple, a man dies hangs around, finally passes on and lives in his own world yadda yadda... Even before this movie, i happened to believe this is the closest thing hollywood has gotten to a real interpretation. But like albert said "Here is big enough for everyone to have their own private world" that sounds very fair and not religious. We all need a place to go to and rest after this life is through dont we? Isnt that something we all can agree upon?


The book goes even farther from the Christian connotations. I think the author feels that Christians are closed-minded and silly. There is a scene with people whose idea of "Heaven" is being in church all the time, rejoicing in their knowledge that they were "right."
The dialogue comments on how unfortunate it is that they don't open their eyes and see, well, all the rest!

Un día después de la tormenta, cuando menos piensas, sale el sol...


vamp frost is 100% right.let people believe what they want,bceause no one really knows or can prove it either way.

"I think I smell mice!"


Richard Matheson, the author, was a true writer of science fiction, he helped Rod Serling with many episodes of Twilight Zone, and has no religious agenda in this movie.


We all need a place to go to and rest after this life is through dont we?

No, some of IMAGINE there is some place everyone can go to rest after this life. Some place that isn't just underground rotting, but the TRUTH is, we only know that humans, like every other species on this planet return to the earth and just rot under ground. Anything beyond that is just speculation and human fantasy to satisfy the ego.



I see you've taken to post stalking now. How pathetic.



And how STUPID are you to not understand I might have just seen this film based on someone's suggestion? Yeah, pretty stupid is the right answer. ALSO A55FACE, no one does know what happens after we die. The only thing people have really ever witnessed in DEATH is a body buried underground. ALL NDE experiences have been proven to be delusions once it's been found out that people have NDE when they aren't even close to death. It's people having dreams without a bit of evidence to back it up. So you and anyone who believes in your favorite myth gods can still have them, as it's impossible to prove one way or the other whether those made up gods actually exist.



You really don't have any capacity for rational thought, do you?

I "ACT" like I know? Yes, I act like I know that observation of the dead has usually been a cremated body, OR, get this, one buried in a cemetary 6' underground. Please, tell me if you have witnessed anything outside of these things occuring when you see a dead body being laid to rest.

I don't make sense........OR, you are so retarded, you don't understand what a funeral is, or what happens to the body in the casket with a deep hole for it to be lowered in to?

PROOF is NOT subjective, unless you are stupid. PROOF IS PROOF! Just as 4+4=8, you can't change this without PROOF that there is good reason for another possible answer.

Also, you needed the name change for what reason, too many people realizing what a worthless POS you are and calling you out on it constantly?



Hey A55face, unless you have EVIDENCE that the supernatural EXISTS, then YOU are the 4ucking MORON! GET IT!
It's appaarent you are nothing more than an ignorant 20 something (or younger) 5hit for brains with no friends on this board, and no friends in your life. Probably can't even find a date because you're as ugly on the outside as you appear to be on these boards.



Lol that was an entertainng argument squint eastwood xD I do agree with you 100% though. I've always wondered why some atheists act like he does. Like everyone else is wrong and they're right and insulting them. I mean, wouldn't you RATHER believe in life after death? People like him act like they don't want it to be true. Shouldn't they be more open, more willing to believe rather than insulting everyone who does and calling them idiots? Maybe they just don't want to answer to God....



lol, that was exactly the kind of response I thought I'd get. I didn't say anything to you, but you insulted me for no reason. Typical atheist insulting people that believe these things because they don't want to answer to God xD

Mirror mirror on my floor. Am I the prettiest at the store?



It doesn't really matter that it was about what you said, (yes it does matter but that's not what I'm referring to), what I was addressing is that you, like the majority of atheists like insulting people that believe these things. And I don't really see a point to it. It kind of reminds me of some of the comments I get on my to catch a predator videos I uploaded to youtube. Some people comment saying "**** the police" or trying to call it entrapment, or saying chris hansen is a terrible human being. You pretty much know the person is an angry pedophile by these comments. Likewise, you give away your true feelings when you start insulting for no reason.

Anyway though, I don't really want to get into a debate with you so I'm not replying anymore or coming back here. You can reply if you want so it looks like you're getting the last word in or not being ordered around by me (I'm not saying that because of what you believe, I just noticed it happens a lot online). Really though, I do hope you come into a true understanding of what God is really about. Yeah, I'm aware of how that sounded to you because I was an atheist for awhile but I really do hope you do.

Mirror mirror on my floor. Am I the prettiest at the store?


<<ALL NDE experiences have been proven to be delusions once it's been found out that people have NDE when they aren't even close to death>>

That is a complete crock. NO such "credible" evidence exists to even remotely support that.

<<It's people having dreams without a bit of evidence to back it up>>

Really? Ok, "prove" to me that dreams exist.


Prove to you dreams exist? Really? Now you're being childish, because you know they exist. Having them doesn't mean they occur in reality, just like NDE isn't reality. You just want to believe because you probably choose to believe your god of choice exists, and listening to worthless talk that NDE exists makes you feel more confident, but you need some critical thought and you see how rapidly all those NDE are just dreams. I don't you'll choose to be critical however. If you choose to believe this crap, have at it.


I agree. I find the comments about the film being so religious-based interesting. As a religious person (not a Christian) I hardly was thinking 'this isn't how it is/supposed to be'. It's a film and nothing more - it's a directors/writers interpretation of what the afterlife could be like - perhaps the film is meant to challenge us as the viewers....get us into a dialogue (which is what we are doing now).
I loved the idea that we create our own heaven/hell - for human beings who are so I-driven and so influenced by our surroundings, it certainly would seem to me to be heaven. :)



As someone that hasn't seen this movie yet, and has the DVD sitting next to them, about to watch. I just want to put in my experience with death. This might put some perspective into some of your minds. I don't believe in God, the devil, heaven or hell... Never believed it since I was young. I've been a good person all my life. Give, give, give and never take.a few years ago I was shot twice. I died and was brought back four times. There is no bright light, no angels whispering to guide you to heaven. There is no "life flashing before your eyes". Sorry to tell you all, but it's lights out! Bye, bye. And before you say, "oh you didn't really die, cuz you were brought back". I died for eight minutes the first time, and five minutes the next three times. If that isn't satisfactory enough of a story for you all, then your all living in a fantasy world. And no, I wasn't shot doing something criminal. I worked at a diner, and there was a late night robbery. Just a waitress ,a seventeen year old girl, and myself closing up. I was shot saving her life, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, as scary as it was, squirming on the ground, coughing up blood on myself and that girl. She helped keep me conscious till the ambulance came, and she is my best friend now
