MovieChat Forums > Velvet Goldmine (1998) Discussion > I wonder what is the point of this movie...

I wonder what is the point of this movie.

I can admire that McGregor gives a strong performance.

I can appreciate that the costumers did a good job.

Another thread here mentions some kind of plot concerning a pin. Are we supposed to care about the plot? Or the characters?

But why was the film made? I have sat through the director's Far from Heaven which relies on a good performer in the central role and some wonderful photography. But apart from that it's rather feeble. I understand that both Carol and Mildred Pierce are both rehashes of Far from Heaven .

I have tried to appreciate Velvet Goldmine in one viewing but it seems to be another limp story from someone who's more interested in decor than anything else.



I admit I was bewildered the first time I saw this film but after a few viewings it grew on me. I now love it !


I don't know if I have an exact answer to what you're asking or even the correct one. I do, however, have some thoughts.
I believe the movie works to represent the era of glam and I think it does a rather good job, though I'm a little too young to have a sound quote of that.
The storyline is at points limp, as you said, but it stands out to me as one that captures not only the ever-changing road of one star's career but also the point of view of a fan. As someone who has obsessed over different pop stars and the like, I found the often underrepresented 'fangirl' character to be the center point.
We as viewers are following Arthur as he relives this period in his life when Brian Slade meant so much to him. We get to view the importance of his role as this immortal figure and see how Arthur has grown beyond him.
Though the storyline and purpose of the film are often confusing, I feel like it is one of the only movies to feature the perspectives it does so well.
In short, the decor is fabulous and extravagant, but I do think there's something else there too.
