Sheridan's girl

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Sheridan has a white girlfriend, Hollywood rarely does that, when they do, it's always like the guy is black and the girl is white, almost never the other way around. I remember one exception so far, Strange Days. Sometimes, they use people like Salma Hayek or Lawrence Fishburn, who are in the gray area.


You need to read yr posts before you send them. Yours doesn't make any sense. It's like you got your ideas mixed up. And how is Fishburne in the "grey" area? Fishburne is "BLACK". There's nothing grey about Hayek and latino culture.




What the F uck is a negro. DO you have any idea how degrading that term is? Judging by your post, you do. Two troglodytes revelling in their delusions of racial superiority.


You wonder why we have racism in America still. We don't even accept inter-racial couples. I think that is bull$h!+ for either side to dictate who we can and cannot date. If a white man wants to date a black girl, no problem. I'm Republican and I don't care! So relax and keep in mind... it's just a movie!

my $0.02


I looked it up in the dictionary and was shocked that it is considered offensive. When I was a youngster in school Our teacher used the term to describe different race classifications such as Caucasian, Asian, Negro etc. When I was a kid you would get in trouble for calling someone black, now it is considered the correct term. I guess times have changed

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

2 entries found for Negro.
To select an entry, click on it.

Main Entry: Ne·gro
Pronunciation: 'nE-(")grO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural Negroes
Etymology: Spanish or Portuguese, from negro black, from Latin nigr-, niger
sometimes offensive : a member of a race of humankind native to Africa and classified according to physical features (as dark skin pigmentation)
- Negro adjective, sometimes offensive
- ne·groid /'nE-"groid/ adjective or noun, often capitalized, sometimes offensive
- Ne·gro·ness /-grO-n&s/ noun, sometimes offensive


I don't understand why this was a such a shock to you.
