Why didn't--? (spoiler)

--the marshalls shoot the sniper on the roof top, when they came up behind him? the sniper was firing shots at gerard and the time it couldn't have taken to give the sniper a chance to surrender, gerard could be dead.


Because law enforcement has to follow rules. Cops now a days are trained to be as careful as possible because of fear of lawsuits. I don't think law enforcement should have the right to shoot just anyone at anytime but in instances like that they should be able to unload a few without question.



Because if Gerard had shot him, it would have been in the back. Snipes had both arms down.An atopsy would have shown that the bullet's path through the body would have indicated that the man was shot in the back with his arms in a non threatening way. Remember how Gerard got in trouble for the stitches put into the thug who bit Cosmo? Snipes survivors would have hired Johnnie Cochran who would have had a field day.


nd this is why the criminals have the upper hand in the courts nowadays.Back front side blow his friggin head off
