I was pissed when downey jr killed newman! grrrrrrrrrrrr
Shawn is cool, remember that :->
yeah, he was my favorite member of Sam's team too.
"Gunslingers, TO ME!!!" -Roland of Gilead
Lord EVERYONE was pissed when Newman died! EVERYONE! I was a huge fan of the Fugitive when my Mom had told me they'd made a sequel and she kept telling me that Noah died in it, so I wouldn't rent it, but finally I did and whenever I see that scene, or any with Downey in it I cringe. I hate it! I love Tom Wood as an actor and especially as Newman.
In an interview one time Tom was asked why they killed off Newman and he said "You know, I really don't know. I still don't know. I asked and no one told me."
Every time they showed a scene with Downey in it i blush :)
how can you cringe you crazy person?
I love Robert Downey Jr even when hes a killer. hehe
I agree. I can't watch U.S. Marshals without crying every time Newman dies. He was the best character in The Fugitive and U.S. Marshals and my favourite since I watched The Fugitive when I was a kid and my mom taped it off TV.
I also agree with you that Tom Wood's an awesome actor - so much talent and potential and Newman is my favourite character he portrays. I can't figure out why they killed Newman off either, except that it was probably more emotional for the Gerard character, because Newman was "The Kid."
"Double milk for the kid!"
R.I.P. Newman :(
Honey Bee 14
I was upset, too. Newman was cool. I never understood why they called him "kid" though. If you look at the actors age, he was not that young during this film.