We all have different taste in movies, like everything else in life. I for one loved Sour Grapes and have enjoyed the handful of episodes I have seen of Curb. I never saw the appeal of Seinfeld though. I think it got old after a dozen or so episodes. I have a feeling that Curb might get old after a while too, though not as bad as Seinfeld.
You could watch these shows 24-7 and that is fine for you, but some of us can only take shows like Seinfeld and Curb in small doses. Kind of makes me think of Arrested Development and Lucky Louie. Those are two shows my wife and I loved and got so mad about when they canceled but when you really think about it, they would get old if they went on much longer. I think Arrested Development may have been just enough. Lucky Louie could have gone on at least a second season before it got old, but eventually it would have grown old.
Sour Grapes was a very refreshing comedy in my opinion. Like nothing you typically see. Honestly, I had no expectations when I saw Sour Grapes and knew not of the connections to Seinfeld. I just saw it on a premium channel I believe, loved it, and then went and bought the DVD. Those I have recommended it to have been mixed on their reviews. An old co-worker said it was the worst movie he had ever seen too, but he never liked any of the same movies or shows as I (He loved Aly McBeal while I hated that show and I believe he watches American Idol, while I hate it, concept included) We agreed on liking Matrix and not much else. But anyway, other people like my brother loved Sour Grapes, yet he also enjoyed movies I hated like The Royal Tenenbaums, Running with Scissors, and he thought the Thunderbirds movie from 2004 was the funniest thing ever, while I couldn't even finish it.
I guess it is just one of those you loved it or hated it movies. I loved Sour Grapes. I watch a lot of movies and that is one of the top 50 comedies that come to mind for sure when I think of comedies.