Something I just realized

When the daughter sticks the bastard uncle with a fork, it wasn't a random angry act.

The story her father told before was a lie, that was the uncle who did what the father claimed. He caught her father stealing steaks from his restaurant, and stabbed him in the leg to prove he had hidden the steaks under his pants.

She was doing back what he had done to her father.

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...



It's a twelve-year-old movie. It's not like it's playing in the theaters right now and you haven't had a chance to see it. Or maybe don't read the forums until you have seen it?



This is a 12 year old comment


Good Thought &


I think her main motive was that she was just defending her family honor. The theme of the movie was starting to wrap up at that point. At first she was a rebellious teen who was embarrased by her family. Who hasn't gone through that stage?

In the end, she realised that her family is her identity, warts and all, and she was not going to let her snobbish uncle get away with cutting them down.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


I wonder why CRIMINAL CHARGES were not pressed against her? Her uncle could have had her arrested and if under 18 probably charged as a minor but still.

Plus he was SUPPORTING them constantly sending them money talk about "biting the hand that feeds you". Good luck getting any more money from him after that.

By the way, what is the deal people have with money? He was rich as hell and the pittance he was sending his brother's family probably didn't even put a dent in his wealth. His brother was struggling and doing the best he could, his bad luck was not really his fault. I do not know why his uncle had to be such a jerk about it. Also, is it any wonder the guy's daughter became a drug addicted mess? Being raised by such a jerk and his codependent wimp of a wife is hardly a socially healthy childhood. Maybe he should consider that before being so disappointed in her.

It is not quite as extreme I will admit since despite being raised under horribly emotionally straining conditions she was not actually sexually abused but in another movie called BLACK SNAKE MOAN the mother of the young lady who befriends Samuel L Jackson is brutally condemned by her own mother for turning into such a screwed up person and that made no sense to me because how could her mother expect any different when she let her boyfriend sexually abuse her daughter.


That's like my mom always 'wondering' why I have such bad self-esteem, and ironically tearing me down MORE because of it...yet she broke me down from as far back as I can remember and wonders why I pick abusive partners . That's a Narcissist for ya, tho! Ugh.


Yeah her uncle was also saying the same exact thing her father said when telling the story. Word for word. "I'm their father! I'm their father! Tell your kids who supports them! I'm their father! etc. etc.


"He was rich as hell and the pittance he was sending his brother's family probably didn't even put a dent in his wealth. His brother was struggling and doing the best he could, his bad luck was not really his fault."

What bad luck did the father have?

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes
