Why does Morritz's theft bother so many viewers?
I don't understand why so many people are bothered by the ending. Morritz's theft was the best possible outcome for the fate of the red violin.
Besides, if you look at the violin's history, it was passed on from owner to owner either by theft, or gift, or sold at a paltry sum. It was never meant to be sold for a million dollars or in such an grand manner.
Sold cheap -- from travelling vendor to monastery
Given -- from orphan to orphan
Stolen -- from child's grave
Swindled -- by Pope from the gypsies
Given -- to the manservant (maybe even stolen)
Sold cheap -- to a pawnshop
Given -- by a mother to her daughter
Given -- to a music teacher
Stolen / confiscated -- by the Chinese government
Before Morritz stole it, the previous owners had also stolen it, seized unrightfully. It appears that the nature of the violin, aside from cursing its owners with tragedy, is also that it be passed on discreetly and humbly.