I hadn't watched this movie since I was in grade school, now I am a senior in college. I realize I never did like the movie that much because of the useless and annoying side characters (that axe cock, and the two headed dragon) but I laughed and replayed the part over where Ruber says "Taa-Daa" and then Aurther has a look of disgust and 'wtf' and says "Ruberrrr"
I mean that was part is just funny. Probably the funniest part. Ruber himself is creepily amusing to watch while tweaking or something with all his eye twitching, skulletry, and getting off on hot coals.
The funniest part to me was in the beginning when the knights were singing that song, and lifting their shields to the light. Sir Lionel give Arthur this hilarious "this is so stupid" half-smile then joins in. I love it.
And tonight when my four year old niece was watching it, and it got to the part when in between unrealted scenes Ruber reaches into a firepit, pulls out some coals and says something like "When I find her..." I was just realizing how very random and misplaced that short scene is when my neice said, very dryly, "That was scary." I cracked up laughing!
*** Ann - "Is this the elevator?" Joe - "Eh, this is my ROOM."
Warner Bros. imdb.com/media/rm3464730880/tt0120800 Her skin is a little lighter than Belle and hair a little darker than Anastasia. I just was thinking of things like Camelot and Peter Pan. Personally I think the biggest thing is money, like I just discovered credit cards and gift cards as allowance and am 23 years old. I took a sabbatical. Actually my brother's 3rd grade teacher was young and her first baby, a daughter died, after I said hi to her at church and she touched the side of my arm. I just told her my brother was there. She was like a secret cheer coach and came in the middle of the prior year. My friends still look young, but I look 23, but not 32. I just don't know if my Netflix will work this time and otherwise what I will do. It always does, but this time I don't remember how I get my iTunes to work. I've posted about these things online, problems with free accounts like Facebook, MySpace, public forums on popular things in Hollywood, like a film and its actor or a new film with the same director. It reminds me of things like oh I wish I went to Royal Ballet School but 1 I didn't have blonde hair. Who cares as long as you look Chinese or Indian? They have Japanese now a lot or Korean, which are the only north Asian countries with China. I saw a documentary of a half Jap and think I've seen this a bit, and that makes no sense. I'm thinking a certain kind of mom and a Jap dad. I've heard good things about this. How do you know which one to get? Best to wait and see. But, I wonder if Disney would do something other than a folk fairy tale. Same with real life things, take a very nice pretty girl, even if she is fat like this one version of Phantom of the Opera, or get someone attractive no matter the racial background. Disney has Robin Hood but Mary Poppins. The only other things are Swiss Family Robinson and Treasure Island. What else? What if you had a show where there was angels? Why isn't there an attractive ballerina who's not so fake or just chose the fake ones in the U.S., maybe 100 like that. I know there are knobbly girls, but there are older girls with a figure who seem as thin. Plus in Europe, in France for instance is fatter than that, but even Russia is normal today. What about the Christmas pageant show? That's like Catcher in the Rye. Julie Andrews was said to did it on stage, Camelot. I didn't know Roger Rabbit was Disney, but they have Kids of the Kingdom in front of the Cinderella castle since the 80s even. I keep mixing up Nightmare and Corpse Bride. I thought it was interesting because it's racially historical. Pretty much most Europeans don't express either a mirror image of the past or the present in perfection.
RUBER!!! He makes me laugh every single time! I'm 20 now, but I still find this film more funny then most stuff aimed at my age group. Ruber's just hilarious 5 star top of the class comic genius!! When he sings that song entitled "MINE" and he won't stop going on about everything being HIS, that cracked me and my sister up the first time we saw it. His rippling, spasmic eyes and the weird shape of his head, GENIUS.
"A film is-or should be-more like music than like fiction..." Stanley Kubrick
I cracked up the most when the 2 headed dragon was first introduced and Garrett asks "what are you??" and they replied "Frankly, we are the reason why cousins shouldnt marry.." XDD wow