1-Lazy animators 2-Retarded characters 3-Bad CGI 4-weak plot 5-TERRIBLE acting 6-Horrid cartoon noises 7-No character development 8-Stupid, stupid, stupid. I mean, how does Garret almost die when an arrow grazes his side? 9-Cookie cutter characters (say THAT really fast) 10-horrid songs 11-Did I mention bad acting?
Okay, okay...It had some pretty good light fX and nice little shadows (too lazy to check the pt of light) and the intro was pretty good, until you see the horses. Ugh. Nice rotates as well. Woah, am I so lame or what, responding to my own posts.
Though you are lame, you were right on several points.
There was a lot of bad CGI in this movie but this movie sucked so I guess it just blends in. There was a weak plot and terrible acting, character development, and horrid songs but this movie did have one good point. It was actually funny in some parts like when the two-headed dragon says he's the reason why cousins shouldn't have kids. There are a few other instinses of comedy but not enough to make this a good movie.I also think the choice of voices for the actors is really bad. The talking voice of Garret is kind of deep and rough but then he starts singing and his voice goes up 5 pitches. I wasn't feeling that.
Also I have a question. Did Garret get his vision back at the end. I was busy celebrating the end of the movie and i didnt pay attention so I didnt get if he got his sight back or not. Please help me out here...
~the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return~
I have to say that all of you are way too critical of this movie. It's for entertainment. Be entertained. Don't pick it apart. You will ruin any enjoyment you may get out of it. Just watch and listen and enjoy. Don't sweat the small stuff.
It's true! Don't pick at every little thing! It's a kid's movie! I practically grew up w/ this movie. And I've been searching for it on DVD. So please don't be so critical on a kid's movie it's useless, because kids will still enjoy it for years to come. I know I'm going to show my kids this movie for sure!
you're so mean! i like this movie, its cute. it's also amusing! cartoon romances are so sweet XD and gary oldman is a great actor and so is eric idle! i love most of the songs as well, so *blows raspberry* i hate people who are all like eeeerr im all grown up now so i hate all kinda movies cuz im sooo cool. pooh on you.
I'm surprised there aren't more people on here commenting on how bad this movie was. It didn't make my eyes burn or my head explode but I did spend much of the film either cringing or laughing at how ridiculously bad certain things were. At the end I kept thinking about how much better it could have been with the actors they had gotten to do the voices, and I was rather disappointed (strange considering I had no expectations when I started watching). Maybe had the beginning not been so misleading and different from the rest of the film or had humor been brought into it earlier it wouldn't have felt like such a complete mess.
In the films defense though, I had just watched three better animated movies before getting to this one and the annoying sound issues (going from very loud song and fight scenes to whispering moments when anyone was speaking)was giving me a headache. I don't hate it and dislike will turn into just not feeling much about it except a little sad because it really could have been something good, oh well. Somehow I just don't feel like watching it again on a different day to see if a second viewing changes my opinions.
Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw these things, because for a moment seeing this movie's board I was a little unsure about the world, or at least the people on the internet.
Oh, where do I start. I was disappointed in this movie when I saw it the day it was released in theaters. The things that ruined it for me were:
1. The stupid dragons- they were not funny at all. It would have been better to have a talking horse and dog.
2. Garrett being blind- it was depressing. I was hoping he was just under a spell and would be able to see again at the end. With the power the sword had and seeing how it turned all the bad back into good you think the writers would give Garrett his sight back.
3. Kayley's outfit- it was atrocious! It was like the animators couldn't decide what to outfit to go with so they combined them all . Nothing matched. She was the only female that wore pants as she wanted to be a knight and be like the guys. A simple peasants dress would suffice, but going on a mission to save Excalibur would've made that difficult.
I'm sure I'll think of more later. The good things were the songs (except the devon and cornwall sung) and the acceptable amount of merchandise. I had most everything from stickers and valentines day cards to cake toppers and happy meal toys. The Kayley action figure is my favorite.
LOL! Yeah... this has got to be the least favorite of animated movies I have EVER seen in my entire life. And I LOVE animated movies. Even the worst. I loved Happily Ever After and Thumbelina, two movies that are criticized a lot. I just love em.
But this one...
I saw this when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I saw it... and I hardly paid it any attention... and I didnt remember anything. Not a name. Nothing. And I thought it was just a bit stupid...
Mind you, I was amused by most other animated movies. The Iron Giant came out a year or so later I believe and I LOVED that movie. As a kid, I was just WOOT for animated movies, but that one did NOTHING for me. So...
Years later I thought it might have just been Hunchback of Notredame syndrome- the case in which a movie is too mature for most kids to enjoy it and therefore must be rewatched as a teen or an adult to get the full oomph. Wrong. Wrong. I saw it again and hated it even more. It was just bad... horribly bad. And boring. And the voice work was bad. The singing voices didnt match. Especially with the blind dude. And I usually remember songs even if they're not that great. I remembered not one song. I think I laughed at one part with those sidekicks... yeah... Normally, I say to each his own. But you guys have got to admit... this is NOT a good movie...
I can admit that about movies I enjoyed as a kid. Happily Ever After was crap... but I enjoyed it when I was little... tho I personally think its better than this. Anything but this...
God bless NIU and R.I.P to all the students who died that day
I've cherished this movie since I was a little girl, [I'm a teenager now] and your opinion, frankly sounds like its coming from a person who doesnt even like animated movies in the first place.
The 90's came with some pretty wonderful childrens movies, and those movies are very dear to me, and it's disgusting how someone could even JUDGE a movie like this, because some people actually LIKE this movie, so get over youself!