I was watching the latest Celtic Woman concert on PBS where Chloe Agnew sang this beautiful song called The Prayer. Now the song was familiar but I couldn't place the song until I remembered Quest for Camelot (its been a while since I saw the movie). For those who heard Chloe's cover, I'm curious as to what they thought.
Hi, I haven't heard this version, but I sing in a community chorus and we pulled this one out during rehearsal last night. I knew the song... I couldn't remember where I heard it from though... but I know I never saw the QUest for Camelot... I had to have heard it somewhere else!
I just heard this again at the recent Grammies 2008. I knew I had heard it before, but did not know where. I thought it was from a Disney movie. Now I know. This year it was done as a tribute Luciano Pavarotti's passing away this year. It was done by Celine Dion and Anrea Bocelli. It is on youtube --There is also one on there from the 2999 grammies with Celine and Josh groban. I cheked out itunes store and there are many renditions. I like also like the one by Charlotte Church and one by George Davidson piano only version.
The Praye is really beautiful, i love the duet with David Phelps...if only there were more songs like that in animations. It seems to make even the worst movie not seem such a flop.
Wasn't the prayer originally for Celin Dion and Andrea Boccelli (I know that is spelled wrong) but used for Quest for Camelot since David Foster did most of the music?
wait, so was the song written for the movie? is this where it comes from originally, or did the composer just decide to use it here? i love The Prayer!
I have never seen this movie, but I know the Prayer very well. My mother is a huge Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli fan. The song is called "The Prayer" and as far as I know, was originally sung as a duet between Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. It is used a lot in weddings (during the church ceremony).
I'll post the lyrics. I'm not sure if it is the same song in the movie because I've never seen it but, this is the Celine and Andrea version.
(Carol Bayer Sager/David Foster) I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go. And help us to be wise in times when we don't know Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace To a place where we'll be safe La luce che tu hai [I pray we'll find your light] Nel cuore resterà [And hold it in our hearts.] A ricordarci che [When stars go out each night,] Eterna stella sei Nella mia preghiera [Let this be our prayer] Quanta fede c'è [When shadows fill our day] Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace Give us faith so we'll be safe Sogniamo un mondo senza più violenza Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza Ognuno lo dia la mano al suo vicino Simbolo di pace, di fraternità La forza che ci dà [We ask that life be kind] È il desiderio che [And watch us from above] Ognuno trovi amor [We hope each soul will find] Intorno e dentro sé [Another soul to love] Let this be our prayer [Let this be our prayer], Just like every child Need to find a place, guide us with your grace Give us faith so we'll be safe È la fede che Hai acceso in noi, Sento che ci salverà
I was kind of confused about this also so I dug up some info. The song was nominated for an Oscar and won a Golden Globe for best <i>original</i> song so that has to mean it was from the movie originally.
So I looked up the rules for that category for the Oscars and it says: "An original song consists of words and music, both of which are original and written specifically for the film."
More rules for this category:
- The work must be specifically created for the eligible feature-length motion picture. - The work must be the result of a creative interaction between the filmmaker(s) and the composer(s) or songwriter(s) who have been engaged to work directly on the film. - The work must be recorded for use in the film prior to any other usage including public performance or exploitation through any media whatsoever.
So I guess it's safe to say that The Prayer was written/created specifically for Quest for Camelot, otherwise it would not have been eligible for the Best Original Song category at the Oscars.
Strangely enough, the first time I heard this song, it was a duet between Charlotte Church and (I think) Josh Groban. If I remember correctly, the lyrics were different.
Did QFC tweak it so it would fit the movie theme, or did Charlotte and Josh branch out on it
ok I have a friend who thinks he heard this song from a different movie, and is very stubborn about it. does anyone out there know if this song was used in a different movie, or if there is a song that sounds similar to this one, that is out there.
personally I think he just doesnt remember seeing this movie, but remembers the song.
This song was originally written for Quest for Camelot (otherwise in could not have won an award for best original song).
However, I believe it was written with Celine Dion in mind, as she performed in the movie. So, it was natural that she would record the song on other cd's. I do not know if the song would have been used in the film if Celine wasn't performing (couldn't track down any confirmation/denial).
The lyrics have been changed--in the movie version and one of Celine's versions it is referred to as "A Mother's Prayer" instead of "The Prayer." I won't list all of the words here, but if you listen to the movie version the lyrics clearly refer to the speaker/Julianna's daughter. The duet version of this song has lyrics that are a bit more general--applicable to anyone. Some of the lyrics were also translated into Italian for Andrea Bocelli's original duet. Josh Groban also sings the Italian verses, and his covers with Celine and Charlotte Church are fairly popular.
That said, dozens of people have covered this song, including Chloe Agnew as the OP mentioned. At first when I saw Camelot (College aged, I never saw it as a child) I assumed the film was altering the original song--I never would have guessed a film like this would produce such a popular mainstream song. So yes, it is original yet very widely used today.
After watching The Nostalgia Critic's review of the movie, I just realized how even though the song was written for the film, The Prayer simply does not fit with the movie specifically the scene it was paired with. The fact that the songs were added in the eleventh hour by meddling executives (to make the film more Disney-like) seems to emphasize that point.
I'm actually amazed that the songwriters (the talented Carole Bayar Sager and David Foster) were able to come up with some beautiful songs for this movie if they were essentially added at the last minute.
Yes; considering the disparity between the quality of the rest of Quest for Camelot, including the song quality, I can only assume the song was being developed when the studio found out about it and looked to quickly acquire it. I mean, it's smart business, as the movie was nominated for an Oscar it honestly wouldn't have deserved otherwise, but it's not too much of a testament to the filmmaking.