I failed, miserably, to put my comments into any frame of reference. When posting I was in that state of mind that has one subconsciously assuming that their point of view doesn't need to be explained. Wrong, of course.
I didn't read the book, or even know there was one. In fact, I wasn't even referring to the *movie's* characterizations, but to the characterization of the women - correction, of Gillian, and only to an extent - by posters to this message board.
Before posting, I'd read "Gillian is so selfish" comments, as well as others re how she should have done this or that, repeatedly. Additionally, I've always been annoyed when people with special powers or gifts refuse to use them for no discernible or justifiable reason. (KittyGrimm, I'm so happy and relieved that someone agreed with me, to whatever extent, on this point.) "Bewitched" ticked me off even as a little kid; I *hated* that Samantha happily gave up her very essence and picked up a mop and a spatula for that fragile-ego'd twerp Darrin! (I read that Elizabeth Montgomery wasn't happy about this, either.) So I was irritated by Sally, and by the fact that no one else seemed to be. Hence my outburst.
My comments were, I admit, general in nature; movies at their best make you think, and elicit emotion and reaction. Women *like* these characters are often viewed stereotypically, as in my (admitted) rant. I didn't intend to imply that they were so depicted in this movie, and now realize that I was remiss not to make this clear. No offense meant.
My viewing was interrupted a couple of times, so I may have missed something, but a number of posts referred to Gillian's having been out of contact with Sally for quite a while. However, it seems they must have talked or written over the years considerably more frequently than was shown or discussed, or Sally wouldn't have been so adamant about telling Gary - more than once - that she'd "always" (I believe she said) had bad taste in men. Given what was shown in the movie, it seems she'd have known only of one such choice. Again, I could have missed something.