This movie was great..

There should be more messages. I loved this movie and I thought Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson's performances were great. I wasn't sure if Ben Stiller could pull this off since I see him as more of a comedian, but he did.

Oh and I'm really trying to find that song that's playing when he is shooting up with the foreign woman. I know there was a thread here before about it but I can't find it. So, if anyone decides to respond and throw in who sings that song, that would be awesome :)


I'm with you, this is completely underrated.
Can't help you with the song.


The song is 2 Wicky by Hooverphonic


I agree, really liked this movie and Stiller's role.


I disagree. Another woe-is-me drug user flick. Stiller's performance saved it from being utterly unwatchable, but it's still weak.

"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind"


I really enjoyed it


I don't do drugs but I am more than willing to buy you your first needle. Theres something about watching people destroy themselves that gives me satisfaction. Thats why this flick is awesome.
