MovieChat Forums > A Perfect Murder (1998) Discussion > Does anyone find ot believable that the ...

Does anyone find ot believable that the Platrow character wiuld be married to the Douglas...

character? She had her own money, was a blue blood, was much younger and the Douglas character was a sleaze ball.


I'd have to see it again. The actors are 28 years apart in age, and that's a lot. I don't think there is any explanation as to how they got together. But to dwell on it would be a distraction, and it certainly validates her desire to take on a handsome young lover. As someone said elsewhere, it's a very handsome and well made movie. Hard not to think of Unfaithful at the same time.


"validates her desire to take on a handsome young lover." In the source material, Dial M for Murder, the wife's husband was her age and more handsome than her lover.


I'm not sure what you mean. Ray Milland was old enough to be Grace Kelly's father.


I never thought it realistic at all. It's like she married Gordon Gecko! Now, it would be more realistic if he was the one with a billion dollar trust fund and had a young, trophy wife.


Yeah, that would be a more believable story.

And in this movie it was pretty much what Gordon Gecko would have done.


I actally found it less believable that a woman would cheat on Michael Douglas.


His real life wife, Catherine Zeta Jones, is only three years older than Gwyneth Paltrow, so I guess it can happen.


Not equivalent scenarios

a beautiful old money blue blood is 28 years younger than a shady business man - why is she attracted to him?

a beautiful high B list actress is 25 years younger that a wealthy multi-Oscar winning A list actor from a show biz dynasty - we know the attraction


She was A-list when she married him.


I would say she was never really A list. Regardless her peak was was brief and ending by the time she married Douglas , a true A lister. Her career got a mild boost when she married him.


She was definitely A-list. And her peak was ending when she married Douglas? Quite the opposite. She peaked in early 2000's. If anything Michael Douglas' career as a leading man was dwindling when he met CZJ.


Good points.


She was absolutely A-list.


Not really, not by what is presented in the film. However, there relationship could have been different in the beginning. I don't think it says how long they have been married or how they got together. Maybe he didn't become so possessive until after they were married, had her money, and built up his company. She does she kind of flighty though. Maybe he was the hot thing that she wanted at the time just like the painter guy.



But I also could never see DOUGLAS killing the mistress on a train!



He was capable of putting an act on.

Or maybe, initially, he did sincerely care for her.

Perhaps, more likely, he had a long term agenda from day 1 (he knew full well what he was marrying into).

What is unbelievable is not so much Paltrow's character, but her family, allowing a marriage with no pre-nup. This would never happen.
