MovieChat Forums > Mercury Rising (1998) Discussion > It just shows how people with autism are...

It just shows how people with autism are not dumb

This film shows you how people with high functioning autism arent dumb they have high IQ intelligence. But I have got a autistic spectrum disorder but I havnt been ever diagnosed with any develop mental disabiliities, But I just can't read jokes I cant smile when someone says or make a joke about me I can't read them but my socual skills are perfect. I'm on an apprenticeship now im no good with written work I'm better with manual work. There loads of forms of autism.


Most of what your saying is true, Austism does not equal dumb or stupid, but the film is not about high functioning autism, because Simon was not high functioning. Also, autism is a developmental disability. Thus, if your autistic, you have a developmental disability, but you don't have to be ashamed of it or anything like that.

