MovieChat Forums > Mercury Rising (1998) Discussion > CIA, NSA, FBI, whats their problem with ...

CIA, NSA, FBI, whats their problem with each other??

How come in all these movies the agencies all hate each other? Surely in reality they have healthy working relationships?


Helloooo. Are you still there?


i m here



Glad you are still here. To the OP, its not just in film that these agencies dislike each other, its true in real life. The DOJ hates the FBI, and they don't share info, etc. The NSA and CIA have the same relationship. Its all a big bureacratic pissing match. This is the reason 19 young arab men with box cutters were able to pull off 9/11.


A lot of the problems these agencies have with each other is trust and responsibility.


No, they don't. And stop cal......naaa, too easy. It's one giant pi$$ing contest with these three. You have to understand the gigantic egos involved. Massive amounts of testosterone.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


The fight between bureaus is over allocations of tax payer funds and the expansion of the bureaucratic/regulatory powers of the agencies concerned. Contrary to competition in the free market, where companies vie over who is best able to serve the wants of consumers, bureaucratic rivalry seems to exponentially increase the incompetence of the bureaus concerned. There are numerous examples for this (as one poster already mentioned, the entirely avoidable 9/11 tragedy is an excellent illustration of the principles at work). Interestingly, incompetence and failure are never to the disadvantage of bureaucracies. On the contrary, the bigger the *beep* they are responsible for, the more power and funding they tend to get (9/11 once again serves as an example - it has resulted in the biggest expansion of the security bureaucracy since WW2. Similarly, the 2008 crisis led to the regulatory powers of the Federal Reserve being increased). Incompetence is not punished, it is rewarded. This is obviously another way in which these bureaucracies are very different from competitors in the marketplace. The main consequence is that they become ever more expensive, while the quality of their services rapidly declines at the same time.
I had to laugh over the movie tag line "Shadowy elements in the NSA..." - the entire organization is a 'shadowy element'.
