The Dons...

Okay, I know it's really irrelevant to the advancement of the plot, but it's something I've been thinking about since I watched the movie again a couple of days ago, so I have to know.

Am I the only one who wonders whether or not any of the dons knew that Montero wasn't Elena's father? I mean, every time I think about the scene where Elena shows up and Montero introduces her to the dons, I can't help but think that one of them really had to be thinking, "You know, I didn't know Montero was ever married... and I think Don Diego, who inexplicably disappeared twenty years ago, had a daughter named Elena..."

So I keep wondering that, which makes me wonder whether or not Montero told them at least some of the story about him and Diego and told them to play along with the charade about making Elena keep thinking he was her father... by threatening them with taking away their land or something.

Thoughts, anyone?

Proud to be a Gerard Butler and Matthew Broderick fangirl! *huggles GB and MB*


Well he WAS gone for 20 years. A lot can happen in 20 years.

And they probably didn't want to ask questions.

Commanding a dog to sit on front of a twihard will produce hilarious results.
